EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 “Environment and Health Information Systems; Closing gaps" …to reduce the disease burden caused by environmental factors in the EU and to identify and prevent new health threats caused by environmental factors. Andreas N. Skouloudis (Peter Pärt and David Rickerby) Institute for Environment & Sustainability, DG-JRC 18 January s:
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Inter-comparison Benchmark for Indicators Implementation and Assessment of Representativeness Time horizon of the Inter-comparison 9-12 months Participants to share data for implementing their own indicators Answer questions : Concerning access to historical data, Efficiency of geographical representativeness, Accuracy (without auto-cancelling), Reporting needs and Uncertainty of indicator methodologies for short term decisions or policies.
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Information Systems focusing on.. Convetional Environmentally Derived Problems Air Noise Water Indoor Air Food Radiation Melanoma and UV exposure Areas where Health Derived Worries Exist Chemicals and Pesticides Transport accidents Natural disasters
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Urbanisation
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Population Density in EU Mega-cities
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 NO x Emissions over Istanbul 1-Energy & Transformation Ind., 2-Non-Ind. Combustion plants, 3-Manufacture Ind, 4-Production Processes, 5-Fossil Fuel Extr, 6-Solvent use, 7-Road Transport, 8-Other Mobile Sources, 9-Waste treatment, 10-Agriculture, 11-Other Sources & Sinks.
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 SO x Emissions over Istanbul 1-Energy & Transformation Ind., 2-Non-Ind. Combustion plants, 3-Manufacture Ind, 4-Production Processes, 5-Fossil Fuel Extr, 6-Solvent use, 7-Road Transport, 8-Other Mobile Sources, 9-Waste treatment, 10-Agriculture, 11-Other Sources & Sinks.
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 CO Emissions over Istanbul 1-Energy & Transformation Ind., 2-Non-Ind. Combustion plants, 3-Manufacture Ind, 4-Production Processes, 5-Fossil Fuel Extr, 6-Solvent use, 7-Road Transport, 8-Other Mobile Sources, 9-Waste treatment, 10-Agriculture, 11-Other Sources & Sinks.
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Comparisons with National Levels
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Impact on Human Health
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Estimated Health Effects over Istanbul Taking in consideration the concentrations reported from the monitoring network and campaigns and although NO 2 is often correlated with levels of other ambient pollutants emitted by the same sources or related through complex atmospheric reactions, NO 2 is a surrogate for other traffic related pollutants such as organic and elemental carbon or freshly emitted primary ultra-fine particles Based on these the expect at least 4600 deaths which could be attributed to atmospheric pollution due to NO 2
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Diversities in EU and … issues raised
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 The Hide and Seek Questions on Scale
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Population Density
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Similar Areas
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Population Health 1/2
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Population Health 2/2
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Area of Specific Efforts Focus on the randomness of human activities Aim for methods for improving the geographical representativeness and generalisation Use long and short term modelling examine Health Effects looking on thresholds, cumulative doses or instantaneous peaks Instead of the Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY) [measurement of the difference between a current situation and the ideal situation where everyone lives up to the age of the standard life expectancy, and in perfect health], Utilise the Overall Cost to Population as a more representative indicator Focus on specific technological advancements for improving the current understanding of links between environmen & health
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Acute Effects until 2004
EcoInformatics Tech. Meeting, 18.Jan.06 Environment & Health Information Systems… EEA (EEIS/EIONET/REPORTNET) EFSA ( ESTAT ( EXPOFACTS ( HEALTHGATE: The EU Health Portal ( INSPIRE: (currently being developed) HEI: The Health Effects Institute ( GSF - National Research Centre for Environment and Health ( The objective is the identification of risks to human health and of those threatening the ecological balance, the evaluation of the limits to the burden which we can place upon our environment, and the creation of concepts to help us to avoid long-term damage to this vital resource. Imperial College London MRC Institute for Environment and Health (IEH) UK Environment Agency( ) UNECE/EMEP: activity data and emission database ( WHO: European health for all database (