2 Index Government-initiated Bills:Slides 4 – 16 Bills initiated by Committees: Slide 17 Bills before Mediation Committee: Slide 18 Private Members’ Legislative Proposals: Slides International Agreements: Slide Other matters before Committees: Slide 24 Matters requiring approval by Parliament: Slides
3 Summary 20 Bills before Committees (Not finalised) 1 Bill before Mediation Committee 5 Legislative Proposals 3 International Agreements 8 Matters before Portfolio Committees requiring approval by Parliament
4 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS : 3 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY National Environment Laws A/B [B 35B-07 (s76(1))] 23 September 2008YesDeliberations 21 October October November 2008 National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Bill [B 40D – 2007] (National Assembly – sec 76(1))) 25 September 2008YesDeliberations 22,23 October October November 2008 National Environmental Management: Waste Bill [B39D-07 (s76(1))] 23 September 2008Yes Deliberations 23,24 October October November 2008
5 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HEALTH: 2 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Medical Schemes Amendment Bill [b ] National Assembly – sec June 2008YesCommittee decided not to proceed with bill. National Health Amendment Bill [B ] (National Assembly- prop sec 76) 1 July 2008No Committee decided not to proceed with bill.
6 AD HOC COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE LEGISLATION: 3 BILLS TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMI SSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Protection of Information Bill [B ] (National Assembly - sec 75) 29 May 2008 The committee requested extension to deal with the bill. YesBriefed 11,18, 24, 25 June Public Hearings 29 July Deliberated 5,12,26 August, 30 September & 15 October Committee resolved on 15 October to request the Minister to withdraw the Bill. Will adopt a report on Bill on 21 October National Strategic Intelligence Amendment Bill [B ] (National Assembly – sec 75) 11 June 2008YesBriefed 18 June Public Hearings 30 July Deliberated 6, 13, 26 August & 3,4,5, 30 September & 15 October Committee resolved on 15 October to request the Minister to withdraw the Bill. Will adopt a report on Bills on 21 October 2008.
7 AD HOC COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE LEGISLATION: 3 BILLS TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMI SSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Intelligence Services Amendment Bill [B ] (National Assembly – sec 75) 11 June 2008YesBriefed 18 June Public Hearings 30 July Deliberations 6, 13, 26 August & 3,4,5,30 September & 15 October Committee resolved on 15 October to request the Minister to withdraw the Bill. Will adopt a report on Bills on 21 October 2008.
8 PORFOLIO COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE & CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 7 BILLS TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Traditional Courts Bill [B15-08] (National Assembly - sec 76 (1) 9 April 2008 Bill referred to National House of Traditional Leaders on 8 May 2008 YesPublic Hearings 13,14,20 May Deliberated 20, 21, 28 May Child Justice Bill [B 49B – 2002] (National Assembly – sec 75) 25 September 2008YesCommittee to programme.11 November 2008 National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill [B ] (National Assembly- sec 75) 15 May 2008YesBriefed 5 August Public Hearings in Parliament 5, 6,7 August & 2,3,4,9 September Public Hearings in provinces 11, 12, 13, 14, 18 August Meeting of subcommittee 16,17 September Deliberations 10,30 September & 8,9,15,16,21 October October 2008
9 PORFOLIO COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE & CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSI ON TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Superior Courts Bill [B ] (s75) 15 June 2006YesBriefed on 16 and 18 January Minister to withdraw bill. Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill [B -2008] (National Assembly sec 75) 13 June 2008YesPublic Hearings 9 September Deliberations 23,26 September & 10,14,16 October October 2008 (p) Regulation of Interception of Communications A/B [B 9B-06 (s75)] 23 September 2008Yes Committee to programme. 11 November 2008 Judicial Matters Amendment Bill [B ] (National Assembly - sec 75) 17 June 2008YesPublic Hearings 9 September Deliberations 26 September & 9,14,16 October October 2008 (p)
10 PORFOLIO COMMITTEE ON LABOUR TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSI ON TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Skills Development Amendment Bill [B 49B – 2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 25 September 2008YesDeliberations 21,22 October October November 2008
12 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON SAFETY AND SECURITY: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISS ION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY South African Police Services A/B [B ] (National Assembly - 75) 4 June 2008YesBriefed 5 August Public Hearings in Parliament 5, 6,7 August & 2,3,4,9 September 08. Public Hearings in provinces 11, 12, 13, 14,18 August Meeting of subcommittee 16,17 September Deliberations 10,30 September & 8,9,15,16,21 October October 2008
13 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISS ION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Bill [B 46B – 2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 25 September 2008YesDeliberations 24 October October November 2008
15 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Civil Aviation Bill [B 73 – 2008] (National Assembly – proposed sec 75) 8 September 2008NoBriefed 17 September Public hearings 14 October Deliberations 21,22,23 October October October 2008 (p)
16 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON WATER AFFAIRS AND FORESTRY: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRA NSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency Limited Bill [B ] (National Assembly -75) 10 June 2008YesDeliberated 11 September Committee recommended that the bill be rejected.
17 BILLS INITIATED BY COMMITTEES NAME OF COMMITTEE BILLRESOLUTIONCURRENT STATUS FinanceMoney Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Bill [B 75 – 2008] (National Assembly – proposed sec 75) 25/06/2008Gazetted 10 July. Briefing 30 July Public Hearings 5, 6 August Deliberations 7, 12, 13, 22 August & 17 September Finalised 23 September Scheduled provisionally for consideration by the House on 23 October 2008.
18 MEDIATION COMMITTEE NAME OF COMMITTEE BILLDATE REFERRED CURRENT STATUS Mediation CommitteeMandating Procedures of Provinces Bill [B 8D – 2007] (National Council of Provinces – sec 76(2)) 25/09/2008Committee to be convened. Scheduled provisionally for consideration by the House on 23 October 2008.
19 PROPOSALS BEFORE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TITLEDATE OF REFERRAL CURRENT STATUS Legislative Proposal to amend the Labour Relations Act (Mr C M Lowe) 16/08/2006Deliberations 5,7,12,19, 26 August & 22 October Legislative proposal to amend the Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act (Mr H J Bekker) 08/11/2007Deliberations 7,12,19, 26 August & 22 October Legislative Proposal to amend the Employment Equity Act, No 55 of 1998 (Mr WD Spies) 14/02/2008Deliberations 5, 12, 19, 26 August & 22 October Legislative proposal regarding Expunction of Criminal Records from Apartheid Laws (Mr J Selfe) 22/10/2007Deliberations 7,12,19, 26 August & 22 October Legislative Proposal to amend the Competition Act, No 89 of 1998 (Mrs P de Lille) 06/05/2008Committee to programme.
20 PROPOSALS BEFORE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TITLEDATE OF REFERRALCURRENT STATUS Legislative Proposal to amend the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act (No 20 of 1998) (Mrs S A Seaton) 01/10/2007Deliberated 20, 27 May Finalised 30 May Recommended that permission be granted for the member to proceed. Legislative Proposal to repeal the Saint Andrew’s College, Grahamstown,(Private ) Act, No 15 of 1932 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Finalised. Member given permission to proceed.
21 PROPOSALS BEFORE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TITLEDATE OF REFERRAL CURRENT STATUS Legislative Proposal to repeal the Saint Andrew’s College, Grahamstown,(Private) Amendment Act, No 82 of 1985 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Finalised. Member given permission to proceed. Legislative Proposal to repeal Diocesan College, Rondebosch, (Private) Act, No 7 of 1942 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Finalised. Member given permission to proceed. Legislative Proposal to repeal the Natal Ecclesiastical Properties and Trust Amendment (Private ) Act, No 60 of 1975 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Finalised. Member given permission to proceed.
22 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS BEFORE COMMITTEES TITLE OF AGREEMENTNAME OF COMMITTEE DATE TABLED DATE REFERRED CURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINALISE DATE OF CONSIDERATI ON BY HOUSE Convention between the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Finance11 August September 2008 Finalised 16 September October 2008
23 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS BEFORE COMMITTEES TITLE OF AGREEMENTNAME OF COMMITTEE DATE TABLED DATE REFERRED CURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINALISE DATE OF CONSIDERATI ON BY HOUSE Protocol Amending the Convention between the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Finance23 September 2008 Finalised 16 September October 2008 Treaty of Friendship and Partnership between the Republic of South Africa and the Russian Federation Foreign Affairs 4 September September 2008 Deliberations 21 October October 2008
24 MATTERS BEFORE CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW COMMITTEE TITLECURRENT STATUS Document dealing with provisions of interim Constitution that are still in operation referred by Joint Rules Committee. Met on 10 June Document forwarded to Dept of Justice for comment. Department’s report submitted by Minister to Cabinet. Task Team consisting of affected Departments to be established. Task Team would prepare the necessary amending legislation.
25 OTHER MATTERS BEFORE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES REQUIRING APPROVAL BY PARLIAMENT: 5 MATTERS NAME OF COMMITTEE TITLE OF PAPERREFERREDCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY HOUSE (NA) Justice and Constitutional Development Report in terms of Section 13(4A)(b) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993): Withholding of remuneration of Magistrate M K Chauke, an additional Magistrate at Pretoria. Tabled 25 January February 2008 Considered 18 March 2008 Committee to schedule further meetings Report on the suspension of a magistrate: Mr S P Zwelibanzi, an additional magistrate at Ngqamakwe in terms of section 13(4)(a)(i) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993) 7 April 2008Considered 18 March, 24 June 2008 Committee to schedule further meetings Justice and Constitutional Development Report on the confirmation of provisional suspension of a magistrate: Mr X R I Masimini, an additional magistrate at Queenstown in terms of section 13(4)(a) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993). Tabled 24 April June 2008
26 OTHER MATTERS BEFORE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES REQUIRING APPROVAL BY PARLIAMENT NAME OF COMMITTEE TITLE OF PAPERREFERREDCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY HOUSE (NA) Justice and Constitutional Development Report on the provisional suspension of a magistrate: Ms A Bacharam, an additional magistrate at Scottburgh in terms of section 13(3)(a) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993). Tabled 24 April June 2008 Justice and Constitutional Development Draft Rules made in terms of section 7(3) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act No 3 of 2000) 19 October 2007 Deliberated 27 February To schedule further meetings. Communications Request from the Minister in The Presidency to recommend two candidates for appointment by the President to the Media Development and Diversity Agency Board. 31 July 2008 Shortlisting 23 September Interviews and finalisation 30 September Finalised 30 September October 2008
27 OTHER MATTERS BEFORE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES REQUIRING APPROVAL BY PARLIAMENT NAME OF COMMITTEE TITLE OF PAPERREFERREDCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY HOUSE (NA) Public Service and Administration Request from the President of the Republic to recommend three candidates for appointment to the Public Service Commission in terms of section 4(1) of the Public service Commission Act, 1997 (Act No 46 of 1997) Tabled 29 August August 2008Advert issued. Closing date 19 September Shortlisting 21 October 2008
28 AD HOC COMMITTEES NAME OF COMMITTEE DATE ESTABLISHEDCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY HOUSE (NA) Ad Hoc Committee to consider legislation on the National Youth Development Agency 23 September 2008 Committee to report by 20 October Elected chairperson 14 October Deliberations on committee’s terms of reference 16 October Briefing by Umsobomvu Youth Fund and National Youth Commission 21 October Public hearings 11,12 November Deliberations 13,18 November November 2008 Ad Hoc Committee on Filling of Vacancy in Human Rights Commission 26 September 2008 Committee to report by 5 November Shortlisting 22,23 October. Interviews 28,29 October. Deliberations and finalisation 30 October October 2008