ASSAM: Implementation status Altogether ha were covered under block demonstration on sali rice in Assam. Despite partial drought during August & September 2011, rice variety Ranjit performed very well producing t/ha. As per one of the estimates, BGREI has helped increasing rice production in the state by 7 lakh tonnes. Block demonstrations on kharif pulses were taken up in 17 districts of Assam. Area covered was ha, greengram– 6200 ha and blackgram (variety ‘T 9’) – ha. Average yield of green gram – 5 to 8 q/ha and black gram – 7 to 9 q/ha
ASSAM: Suggestions for Improvement i.One-day training to the farmers before the onset of the cropping period will help refreshing the farmers with technical know-how for scientific cultivation. ii.Timely supply of the inputs should be ensured. iii.Seed quality should be ensured. iv.Wherever shallow tube well facility is installed, measures should be taken to ensure irrigation during the dry spell. v.STW facility may be installed, if possible, under the programme. vi.Check-List for monitoring of pulses, maize etc. need to be prepared.
BIHAR: Implementation status State has implemented demonstration program of SRI in 80,000 acres area covering 80,000 farmers of the of the state under BGREI. BGREI programme has been taken up in 250 blocks of 20 Non NFSM districts of Bihar State has provided demonstration kit costing 3000/- per acre that includes seed, fertilizer, Vermi Compost, Watering pot and micro-nutrient (Zinc Sulphate) etc. All Demo Kits were distributed to beneficiaries in Krishi Utsav Mela in each block of all Non-NFSM districts between 3 rd week of may to 2 nd week of June In SRI demonstration, mainly two components of SRI i.e. young seedlings with wide spacing and line transplanting has been demonstrated; Inputs have been provided to the farmers well in time. State Department of Agriculture reported that they have achieved 6.0 to 22.4 t/ha of rice grain yield on fresh weight basis in different districts of the state
BIHAR: Suggestions for Improvement Besides SRI, location specific rice production technologies may be included in the programme Frequent field visits of non beneficiary farmers to the BGREI sites Beneficiary list may be provided to CRRI as well as scientists in charge of the districts for proper monitoring and technological back stopping Financial support may be provided to the concerned Agricultural University for mobility of scientists from university to District Agriculture office/Demonstration sites Information card prescribed for Block demonstrations should be maintained well to replicate the success story
CHHATISHGARH: Implementation status Paddy yield ranged from 5.64 t/ha to 8.32 t/ha, 20 % more than previous paddy yield. Farmers were happy with the construction of check dams. Cropping intensity has increased near check dams as farmers are taking two crops in a year They grow non rice crops namely Mustard, Sugarcane, tomato, Cauliflower, Adrak, Banana and Brinjal and got additional profit by selling of vegetables in the market. It was due to creation of irrigation facility under BGREI program
CHHATISHGARH: Suggestions for Improvement More demonstartion on the use of manual drum seeder and Self propelled rice transplanter Training farmers on use of tractor drawn seed drill and on raising of mat type seed lings for use of self propelled rice transplanter Training on use of soil and seed treatment and IPM No report was available for Soil testing Beneficiary list of farmers lacking Timely availability of inputs like seed, farm machinery, fertilizer and chemicals under the program required More emphasis needed for construction of Checkdam, Minor irrigation tanks
JHARKHAND: Implementation status Under Hybrid Rice, 4000 ha and under SRI, 2500 ha area were brought under BGREI programme. 140 drum seeder, 532 cono-weeder, 170 qtls. carbondazin 50 WP under IPM and 850 qtls Borex (Na-Boret) 15% under INM have been distributed. 232 check dams have been constructed which will irrigate approx 5000 ha of land. Farmers are expecting 4-5 q/acre additional productivity following improved methods accounting which is 25-30% more over the usual production. The benefit of line planting is well perceived saving of 4-5 laborers/acre and covering 30-40% more areas with usual seedlings.
JHARKHAND: Suggestions for Improvement There was some communication gap regarding implementation aspects at each stage starting from Block to District as well as State level. The communication should be strengthen through regular monitoring and monthly progress meeting at State level and weekly meeting at District and Block levels. Regular training, awareness workshop for capacity building of Block level Agril. Officers and other field functionaries should be organized for effective implementation of the program.
ODISHA: Implementation Status Integration of the Sate Agril. Department, NGO, KVK and ATMA on a common platform creating amicable working environment is praise-worthy. Performance of newly appointed VAW (under BGREI programme) is satisfactory. The response of farmers to line transplanting, sowing behind the plough is significant compared with usual broadcasted crop. The benefit of line planting is well perceived saving of 4-5 laborers/acre and covering 30-40% more areas with usual seedlings. Farmers are expecting 25-30% more over the usual production following improved methods.
Ensure only need-based micronutrient application, not any blanket application, Instead of case to case measure, plant protection should be on integrated mode, Availability of reports on soil test, well ahead of cropping season and prepare fertilizer dose accordingly, Farm mechanizations with introducing seed drill, power transplanter and power operated cono-weeder are essential. Farmers own association like seed village, farmers’ club, need to be persuaded for seed production as well as easy / timely availability. Buy back policy needs to be developed to promote enhancing production. ODISHA: Suggestions for Improvement
Good progress was made in asset building activities Rice hybrids PA 6444 and JK 401 performed well with 1-2 t/ha yield advantage over HYVs Swarna Sub1 performed well in most places, with yield advantage of 1.0 t/ha or more over farmers’ varieties In some areas, farmers were not aware of specific features of stress-tolerant rice varieties and ecologies suitable for their adoption Farmers expressed satisfaction with weed control efficiency of Pretilachlor Farmers were happy with performance of rice hybrids, but expressed concerns about poor grain & milling quality and marketing UTTAR PRADESH: Implementation status
Scientists from nearby organizations should be entrusted with monitoring task and CRRI made responsible mainly for technical support In field demonstrations, performance of introduced technologies should be compared with farmers’ practices Small leaflets in local language on stress-tolerant rice varieties should be distributed to farmers along with seed for creating awareness State governments should take effective steps to improve availability of inputs, including water, and marketing facilities UTTAR PRADESH: Suggestions for Improvement
WEST BENGAL: Implementation Status Blast in Seed bed and standing crop observed Discoloration of grain and Brown spot found in MTU 1010 Sheath rot & sheath blight found in Swarna (MTU 7029) Infestation of Gall midge was recorded in few patches
WEST BENGAL: Suggestions for Improvement Replacement of rice, Swarna by suitable variety of days Ensure supply of good quality seeds, fertilizers & other chemicals at Govt. price Financial support to the beneficiaries Ensure diesel or electricity supply during midterm stress/ terminal drought The communication should be strengthened through regular monitoring and monthly progress meeting at State level and weekly meeting at District and Block levels. Regular training, awareness workshop for capacity building of Block level Agril. Officers and other field functionaries should be organized for effective implementation of the program
1.Introduction of ecology based modern HYVs including hybrids and quality rices 2.Ensure the availability of all inputs to the farmers’ door steps, at right time and timeliness in performing various farm operations 3.Availability of reports on soil test, well ahead of cropping season and prepare fertilizer dose accordingly, 4.Ensure only need-based micronutrient application, not any blanket application, 5.Instead of case to case measure, plant protection should be on integrated mode, 6.Data on crop cutting needs to be conducted and reported more appropriately (sample area, sample site, % grain moisture content), 7.In field demonstrations, performance of introduced technologies should be compared with farmers’ practices Overall Suggestions for effective implementation
8. A strong coordination among CSC, SLMT and DLMT may be developed ensuring effective monitoring and reporting system. 9.Copies of state work plan, block/district-wise beneficiary lists (in English) & monthly progress reports should be provided to the state I/Cs/nodal Institute 10.Since the SAU’s are having their KVK’s and Regional Research Stations in all most all or nearer to BGREI districts with multi-crop expertise, the responsibility of DLMT should be given to SAU’S, KVK’s and ATMA for better accessibility and affective monitoring. However, the need based technical support in respect of rice and rice based cropping/farming systems could be provided by the CRRI scientists from headquarters itself or by visiting the required places under extreme necessity. 11.The responsibility of State Level Monitoring (SLMT) should be given to Central Institutes and SAU’s consisting a Multi disciplinary team of scientists from Crop Improvement, Crop Production, Crop Protection and Social Science disciplines instead of one scientist. As per the need and necessity one of the team members could visit the states with least disturbance to their research activities. Overall Suggestions for better Monitoring
1.Procurement aspect should be addressed through mechanisms inbuilt under this programme 2.Storage facilities 3.Strengthening and expanding provision of irrigation facilities 4.Strengthening information and communication system 5.Workshops, trainings, fairs etc. to be inbuilt in the programme- CRRI can do it 6.Improving the infrastructure of CRRI to the current as well future challenges Overall Suggestions for better implementation
1.Holding interaction meet involving farmers/producers, private companies and policy makers to look into the issues related to input supply, procurement, marketing, farm mechanization and value addition 2.Organizing Workshop and Annual Agricultural Fair 3.Conducting training both for Govt. officials and farmers 4.Strengthening information and communication system 5.Publication of Bulletin and success stories 6.Improving the infrastructure of CRRI to the current as well future challenges : Creation of world class laboratory and field facilities Proposed Activities
Activities and Budget Sr. No.ItemUnitFund (Rupees crores) A. Recurring Expenditure 1.TA Temporary Staff Operational expenses/ Contingencies Conducting interface meetings, Workshop and Training Organizing Agril. Fair Publications Farmers advisory services including software and contractual services2.50 B. Non-Recurring Expenditure (Equipments and Infrastructure) 1. Phenotyping facility including Green House Advanced Genomic facility Plant and Soil Quality laboratory Building to accommodate new facilities, Laboratory, Auditorium, Training hall, Extension and Communication division,etc Hardware for effective Extension and Communication including mibile van with V. facility Mobile Soil Test laboratory Vans Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer Other equipments-0.90 TOTAL (A + B)