Professional Development Update Cambrian School District November 7, 2013
Overview Essential Questions Effective PD model Plan for
What are we doing to support the evolution of systematic implementation of initiatives?
What are we doing to support teachers?
Research shows that… the only professional development programs that impacted student achievement were lengthy, intensive programs Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Alexandria, VA: Center for Public Education 5
One time workshops assume the only challenge facing teachers is a lack of knowledge of effective teaching practices Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Alexandria, VA: Center for Public Education
…teachers change their underlying beliefs about how to teach something only after they see success with students Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Alexandria, VA: Center for Public Education
Workshop and modeling Workshop, modeling and practice Workshop, modeling, practice, and feedback Workshop, modeling, practice, feedback, and peer coaching 10% 12-13% 14-16% 16-19% 95% RATE OF TRANSFER INTO CLASSROOM PRACTICE Types of Professional Development Sources: "Effective Staff Development" by Robert N. Bush. In Far West Laboratory (1984), Making Our Schools More Effective: Proceedings of Three State Conferences. San Francisco: Author. This bar graph reflects Joyce and Showers’ original research in Joyce, B. R. (2002). Student Achievement through Staff Development (3 rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Cambrian PD Alignment District Strategic Plan Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP) Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Making the Shift—The “How” Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Implementation PD
Principal Strand PD Content Includes: CCSS Instructional Shifts and Unit writing SMARTER Balance Assessment CCSS/ExCel Integration (elementary) Effective use of data English Learner support Recognizing and supporting rigor 21 st Century Skills development PBIS GLAD Essential Question: What do I do differently as an instructional leader to support CCSS implementation in the classroom and the community? Goal: Empower principals to be effective instructional leaders and coaches with CCSS implementation.
Teacher Strand PD Content Includes: ELA CCSS Instructional Shifts, Science/Literacy Integration. GLAD, Unit writing Math CCSS Instructional Shifts, Standards of Mathematical Practice, Unit Writing Other areas supporting CCSS Overall: PBIS, ELD strategies, 21 st Century Skills, Digital Media and iPad Academies, GATE Cohort, SVMI Lesson Study Elementary: Jr. Great Books, Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Middle School: Gradual Release of Responsibility, Kagan support Essential Question: What do I do differently in my classroom today (tomorrow)? Goal: Empower teachers to make the instructional and curricular shifts needed with the CCSS to effectively provide a dynamic learning environment.