Scenario: n You are an NGO gathering information on national, grassroots issues. Now hoping to broaden outreach via Internet. n Resources: –15 staff, standalone computers, and dial-up access to ISP 75hr/month. –USD $10,000 grant for communication/tech costs for 1 year n Create your communications strategy based on the resources available.
n Principles of Design and Planning for Advocacy Work
n Preparation should include good baseline and assessment studies and analysis of the context, problem and issue, preferably with the help of internal and external experts and other concerned people. n A methodology must be developed or designed, and a toolbox opened and proper tools chosen or if needed, devised. (what ict tools? What format?)
n Assumptions, concepts, underlying theories, and perceptions must be critically examined. n Long-medium-short term objective, and a hierarchy of objectives in a time frame must be carefully defined. n Partners for advocacy work must be identified for a collaborative effort to change things for the better
n The people and institutions whose policies and behavior you want to change must be clearly identified. Profiles of their relevant characteristics can help you keep control of the process. n Roles, tasks and responsibilities for all players in the team must be formulated and the needed support facilities developed
n A time schedule, steps to be taken, and building blocks must be planned. n Indicators and measuring sticks for the success of each and every activity must be carefully planned. n Plans must be made for the man/womanpower, expertise, and external support and resources needed.
n A day-to-day workplan for each and every actor can be made, as well as a plan to coordinate this. n Plan must be made on how to obtain the financial and political support to enable us to do the job and to survive and expand as an organization. n (adapted from International Alert. “Measuring the Immeasurable: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Networks, New Delhi: Women’s Feature Service, 1999)