Design considerations for the Indigo Data Analysis Centre. Anand Sengupta, University of Delhi Many thanks to -Maria Alessandra Papa (AEI) -Stuart Anderson.


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Presentation transcript:

Design considerations for the Indigo Data Analysis Centre. Anand Sengupta, University of Delhi Many thanks to -Maria Alessandra Papa (AEI) -Stuart Anderson (LIGO Caltech) -Sanjay Jain (Delhi University) -B. Sathyaprakash (Cardiff) -Sukanta Bose (Univ. of Washington, Pullman) -Patrick Brady (UWM) -Phil Ehrens (LIGO Caltech) -Sarah Ponrathnam (IUCAA)

Network of gravity wave detectors

Data from gravitational wave experiments  Data comprised of  Gravitational wave channel (ASQ)  Environmental monitors  Internal engineering monitors  Multiple data products beyond raw data  Reduced data sets  Level 1: gravitational wave and environmental channels  Level 3: only gravitational wave data.  Different sampling rates IFO Env CH Health 1TB of raw data per day!

The IndIGO data analysis centre  Would like to propose for a high- throughput Computation and GW Data Archival Centre.  Tier -2 centre with data archival and computational facilities  Inter-institutional proposal for facility  Will provide fundamental infrastructure for consolidating GW data analysis expertise in India. Tier 0 LIGO Sites at Hanford, Livingston Data acquisition systems Tier 1 LIGO Labs at Caltech Tier 2 LIGO Lab at MIT, LSC institutions like UWM, Syracuse etc IndIGO Data Analysis Centre

How big is big enough?  IndIGO has world expertise in coherent analysis of gravitational wave data. This is the holy grail of GW data analysis with many advantages.  Archana Pai (IISER Tvm), Anand Sengupta (Univ. of Delhi) and K.G. Arun (CMI) have recently secured Indo-Japanese DST project for developing and testing efficient coherent methods to analyze GW data.  Niche area, would like to take lead in this  Real time zero-lag data analysis will require 10 TFlops of computation  Real time can mean months or years of continuous data  But this is not all we do with the data  X 100 passes for time slides (background estimation)  X 1000 passes for Monte Carlo injection studies, pipeline tuning  Target: Somewhere in the ball park of 100 Tflops.

How much is 100 Tflops?  1 Tflop = 250 GHz = 85 cores x 3 GHz / core  100 Tflops = 8500 cores x 3 GHz/core We need 8500 cores to carry out a half decent coherent search for gravitational waves from compact binaries.

Main objectives of the data centre Data Centre Archival Community development Indian Researchers and Students Other science groups Web Services Collaboration tools Analysis LSC LIGO Data Grid LIGO Data Grid as a role model for the proposed IndIGO Data Analysis Centre.

8 What is the LIGO Data Grid?  The combination of LSC computational and data storage resources with grid-computing middleware to create a distributed gravitational- wave data analysis facility.  Compute centres at LHO, LLO, Tier-1 centre at LIGO Caltech, Tier-2 centers at MIT, UWM, PSU, Syracuse.  Other clusters in Europe: Birmingham and the AEI  IndIGO Data Analysis Centre  Grid computing software  E.g Globus, GridFTP and Condor  Tools built from them

9 LIGO Data Grid Overview  Cyberinfrastructure  Hardware - administration, configuration, maintenance  Grid middleware & services - support, admin, configuration, maintenance  Core LIGO analysis software toolkits – support, enhance, release  Users - support

Condor, Globus, VDT and all that  IndIGO Data Centre is envisaged to be a high throughput compute facility: (data volume driven)  Opportunistic scheduling, Condor  NOT a high performance computational facility, although one can imagine a synergy between GW users and other scientific users sharing the resources. Traditionally, MPI community requires dedicated scheduling.  The Globus Toolkit is a collection of grid middleware that allows users to run jobs, transfer files, track file replicas, publish information about a grid, and more.  All of these facilities share a common security infrastructure called GSI that enables single sign-on. Users can select any subset of the Globus Toolkit to use in building their grid. The VDT includes all of Globus.

Typical Work flow in inspiral pipeline GLUE: LSC has developed in-house toolkit to write out work-flows as Condor DAGs One month of data: 5 analysis DAGs containing ~45,000 jobs and few tens of Plotting DAGs each of 50 jobs. For a year’s worth of data, we run more than 500K+ nodes.

12 Why do we need the IndIGO Data Centre Scientific pay-off is bounded by the ability to perform computations on the data.  Maximum scientific exploitation requires data analysis to proceed at same rate as data acquisition  Low latency analysis is needed if we want opportunity to provide alerts to astronomical community in the future  Computers required for LIGO flagship searches  Stochastic = 1 unit (3 GHz workstation day per day of data)  Bursts = 50  Compact binary inspiral = 600 (BNS), 300 (BBH), 6,000 (PBH)  All sky pulsars = 1,000,000,000 (but can tolerate lower latency &..... ) Data Centre

13 Users and Usage  The current LIGO Data Grid (LDG) supports ~600 LSC scientists  Demand for resources is growing rapidly as experience increases and more data become available  The IndIGO data centre is expected to be setup on a similar footing

LSC computing resources  LSC institutions and LIGO lab operate several large computing clusters for a total of 16,900 CPU cores.  Used for searches and large scale simulations  Background estimates / assessment of significance  Pipeline parameter tuning  Sensitivity estimates, upper limits  Analysis code-base: millions of lines of code  Grid-enabled tools for data distribution Distribution of LSC CPU cores

National Knowledge Network  IndIGO data centre will need a high bandwidth backbone connection for data replication from Tier-1 centres as well as for users to use the facility from their parent institutions.  NKN can potentially provide this facility between IndIGO member institutions.  Outstanding issues: International connections, EU-India Grid  The philosophy of NKN is to build a scalable network, which can expand both in the reach (spread in the country) and Speed.  Setting up a common network backbone like national highway, wherein different categories of users shall be supported.

NKN TOPOLOGY The objective of the National Knowledge Network is to bring together all the stakeholders in Science, Technology, Higher Education, Research and Development, GRID Computing, e- governance with speeds up to the order of 10s of gigabits per second coupled with extremely low latencies. The major PoPs of ERNET are already a part of NKN – VECC, RRCAT, IIT(Chennai, Kanpur, Guwahati), IUCAA, University of Rajasthan.

Collective wisdom  Site selection / Bandwidth  IUCAA, Pune. Already host to several large computational facilities. Delhi University?  External 100 Mbps Ethernet is probably sufficient although Gigabit would be better.  LDR tools, GSI security, Grid certificates – tunable parameters to maximize efficiency  At 80 Mbps, 1 day download can fetch a week’s volume of data from Tier1 centres at CIT.  Storage, Cooling, AC  Typical: 1Pbytes on disk at Tier-1 centre. High throughput file system. RDS will require only a fraction of this at Tier-2 centre. Anticipate ~ 4x100TB per year per interferometer.  At a rough estimate, 1000 cores = 35kW. Design Data Centre to hold 2/3 generation of equipment. Project 5-10 years in future. Need power to run the cooling itself, and power for disk storage and servers. Sarah is working out POWER and COOLING requirements in detail.  Hardware / Cabling Commodity off –the shelf computers, power efficient blade servers, standard equipment racks. High density configurations. Co-exist with other user communities if need be. Typically top of the rack GigE switch to the machines in the racks and 10GigE to a central switch.  Middleware/Software/Security  Globus, VDT, Condor  Job management system  GSI for user authentication across LSC + IndIGO Consortium

Collective wisdom (contd.)  How much space is required for a data centre of this size  Specific to the data centre design and density of racks uses  Here is an example of University of Wisconsin Milwaukee’s NEMO cluster  780 CPUs x 2 cores per CPU = 1560 cores. AMD Opteron (dated).  1400 Sq feet, 100 ton AC units  This was 5-6 years ago. Now we have much higher density racks.  Take 12 core per CPU (available today) = 9360 cores in the same space! This means that a size of around 1400 sq feet would be sufficient for our purposes.  Interconnect  Infiniband is NOT a requirement  This brings down the cost of the data centre substantially  Gravity wave analysis is Data parallel [high throughput, high data volume driven] rather than task parallel.  GigE switches will be sufficient, although high speed storage will be a requirement.

Data Centre Proposal User requirements Tier1/2 Managers Site survey, Bandwidth availability Budgeting Proposal Roadmap Proposal readiness by 15 May, 2011

Challenges  Working with LDR and VDT involves a steep learning curve. Many new concepts. BUT, have a large user base and expert help.  Training system administrators and maintenance manpower  Lot of uncertainties – bandwidth provider, site host, storage and node requirements etc. Ideas getting more concrete as we move along and start talking with LSC compute facility maintainers and experts from science and industry.  Very useful to visit a LSC cluster site (AEI Hannover e.g) and talking to the people involved in those centres.  We should keep open the option of proposing this centre in conjunction with other (different kind, MPI based) scientific users. This would pose a host of challenges  Hardware, middleware and software requirements are different, hence some common ground has to be reached between groups.  Condor has a MPI environment – so MPI based codes are not a problem  Need to have this tested. Volunteers are needed.  Need to work out projections for next 5 years and gear up for Adv. LIGO and LIGO Australia.

Conclusions  Need for a IndIGO data centre  Large Tier-2 data/compute centre for archival of g-wave data and analysis  Bring together data-analysts within the Indian gravity wave community.  Puts IndIGO in the global map for international collaboration  LSC wide facility would be useful for LSC participation  Functions of the IndIGO data centre  Data archival: Tier-2 data centre for archival of LIGO data. This would include data from LIGO- Australia. LIGO Data-Grid Tools for replication.  Provide Computation Power: Pitch for about 1000 cores  Compare with AEI (~5000 cores), LIGO-Caltech (~1400 cores), Syracuse cluster (~2500 cores).  Main considerations for data centre design  Network: gigabit backbone, National Knowledge Network. Indian grid!  Dedicated storage network: SAN, disk space  Electrical power, cooling, Air-Conditioning: requirements and design  Layout of rack, cabling  Hardware (blades, GPUs etc.), middleware (Condor, Globus), software (Data Monitoring Tools, LALApps, Matlab)  Consultations with industry and experienced colleagues from Indian scientific community.