1 NATIONAL CONFERENCE on AGRICULTURE RABI CAMPAIGN : New Delhi 17 th & 18 th September, 2010 Assam’s Perspectives
2 ASSAM AGRICULTURE – General Profile Gross Cropped Area38.96 lakh hectare Net Cropped Area27.53 lakh hectare (35 p.c. of Geographical Area) Cropping Intensity142% Area covered by Horticultural Crops5.40 lakh hectares (14% of Gross Cropped Area) Rice area covered by HYV65% of total Rice area. Area under Hybrid Rice0.41 lakh hectare No. of Small & Marginal holding23.44 lakh (85.3% of total holdings) Per capita land holding1.11 hectare Per capita land holding of Small & Marginal farmers 0.63 hectare
3 KHARIF, 2010 WEATHER SCENARIO Monthwise Rainfall MonthRainfall (in mm)Departure from Normal Pattern ActualNormal April, %Excessive May, %Normal June, %Normal July, %Deficient August, %Normal 1 st June to 14 th September, %Normal Overall rainfall pattern during Kharif, 2010 (till 14 th September) is normal. Excessive rainfall in April, Normal in May, June & August and deficient rainfall in July has been recorded.
4 KHARIF ASSESSMENT Area, Production & Productivity Of Kharif Crops (Area in lakh Ha., Production in lakh MT, Productivity in Kg. per Ha.) CropYearAreaProductionProductivity Autumn Rice (anticipated) (target) Winter Rice (anticipated) (target) Kharif Foodgrains (anticipated) (target)
5 (Area in lakh Ha., Production in lakh MT, Productivity in Kg. per Ha.) CropYearAreaProductionProductivity Kharif Oilseeds (anticipated) (target) Jute (anticipated) (target) Sugarcane (anticipated) (target) Kharif Vegetables (anticipated) (target) KHARIF ASSESSMENT Area, Production & Productivity Of Kharif Crops
6 KHARIF ASSESSMENT In , by and large the situation is promising because – Rainfall is not only normal but also evenly distributed. No pest & disease outbreak. Schematic support in time. The Weather Watch Report reflecting more area coverage in Kharif Rice than targeted. Other than Rice, the prospect of Jute & Sugarcane seems to be equally good.
7 RABI, : PROSPECTS Timely rainfall in Kharif Season resulted in timely cropping of Kharif Crops. Thus, timely harvest of Kharif Crops will pave the way for timely sowing of Rabi seeds. A major advantage for utilisation of residual soil moisture in Rabi crops. Crop (Major)Area coverage (in lakh hectare) (anticipated) (target) Additional area targeted in Summer (Boro) Rice Foodgrains Vegetables Oilseeds Total :2.30 A. Area Coverage :
8 Crop (Major)YearProductivity (Kg. per ha.) Production (lakh MT) Additional Production targeted in (lakh MT) Summer Rice (anticipated) (target) Vegetables (anticipated) (target) Oilseeds (anticipated) (target) RABI PROSPECT : B. Productivity & Production :
9 SEED Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) Crop (target) Paddy23%33%46% Wheat11%50.6%56% Maize15%37.6%51% Blackgram7%64.4%45% Greengram6%33%80% Pea37%88%92% Arahar-41.6%45% Lentil7%50.6%83% Rape & Mustard24%60%75% Sesamum20%30.7%100% Niger22%17%100% Jute52%22.5%68.6%
10 SEED Requirement & actual availability of Seeds Rabi Season (in Quintal) Sl. No. Crop RequirementAvailabilityRequirementAvailability 1.Paddy Yes 2.Wheat Yes 3.Maize Yes 4.Pea Yes 5.Lentil Yes 6.Rape & Mustard Yes 7.Niger Yes
11 SEED TESTING Annual capacity (No. of samples) No. of samples tested (target) Crop seasonCrops coveredArea covered (hectare) (target) RabiRice13%40% Wheat74%82% Pulse27%65% Oilseeds35%83% Vegetables64%94% SEED TREATMENT
12 MICRO IRRIGATION Area covered under Micro Irrigation Drip / Sprinkler Irrigation Set Area under Micro Irrigation (in hectare) Till (target)Total
13 FERTILISER Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Per hectare use of Chemical fertiliser 57 Kg Kg Kg. (target) Application of Micronutrients hectare20298 hectare90843 hectare Consumption of bio-fertilisers 178 MT227 MT175 MT (Kharif) Consumption of Organic Manure lakh MT81.92 lakh MT40.67 lakh MT (Kharif) Consumption of Green Manure lakh MT29.82 lakh MT36.72 lakh MT (Kharif)
14 FERTILISER Quality Control Fertiliser Quality Control Laboratory Yearwise testing of fertilisers YearNumber of samples received Number of samples analyzed Number of Non Standard Samples Failing in nutrients Failing in physical parameters & impurities Total non- standard 1 no. (Capacity : 500 samples per annum) Nil Nil9 Target for : 500 samples. Action taken in respect of Non Standard Samples : a. No. of registration certificate cancelled : 4 nos. b. Show cause notice issued : 5 nos.
15 ISSUES OF CONCERN Net crop area irrigated : 18%. Consumption of fertiliser : 63 Kg. per hectare against 129 Kg. per hectare. Negligible usages of Micronutrients. Availability of farm power : 0.66 HP per hectare against national average of 1.20 HP per hectare. Marketing infrastructure (Villages connected with metalled Road) : 35%
16 INTERVENTIONS THROUGH AACP (An EAP) Sl. No. ItemTargetAchievements (upto ) 1.STW / LLP80,000 no.58,895 nos. 2.Tractor750 no.711 no. 3.Power Tiller1500 no.1070 no. 4.Upgradation of roads715 Km.616 Km. 5.Upgradation of bridge181 no.156 no. 6.ATMA11 no.
17 Crop (Pre Mission) (after 2 years of Mission Period) P.C. increase in 2 years (anticipa ted) P.C. increase in over Kharif Rice Production % % Productivity % 13866% Rabi Rice (Boro / Summer) Production % % Productivity % 22786% Total Rice Production % % Productivity % 15155% NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Rice) Impact on Production & Productivity in NFSM districts (Production in lakh MT & Productivity in Kg. per ha.)
18 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Pulse) Accelerated Pulse Production Programme (A 3 P) Kharif, : ► Pigeon Pea Demonstration (2 Units of 1000 hectare each) conducted in 3 districts with free distribution of inputs – cultivation in progress. Programme for Rabi, : ► Lentil Demonstration (2 Units of 1000 hectare each) in 2 districts.
19 RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA (RKVY) Sl. No.InterventionUnit 1.STWs / LLPs for irrigation:90,000 nos. 2.Minor flow irrigation schemes:1,000 nos. 3.Application of Micronutrients for Soil Health Management :41,000 hectares 4.Soil Testing Laboratories for analysis of micronutrients :6 laboratories 5.Support to Seed Certification Agency:1 6.Pre positioning of fertilisers:12 rakes in rotation Major Interventions being undertaken during
20 INTERVENTIONS THROUGH CHIEF MINISTER’S SPECIAL PROGRAMME Sl. No.ItemTarget ( ) 1.Power Tiller distribution (subsidy – 75%)2300 no. 2.Cash distribution to Small & marginal farmers for Rs per farmer 2 lakh farmers.
21 STRENGTHENING EXTENSION MACHINERY GOI has sanctioned Rs lakh against State Extension Work Plan for GOI has released Rs lakh as first installment in August, We are on job for prompt & proper implementation. Engagement of Farmers Friend (Kisan Bandhu) – Out of 2 pilot districts selected, selection of Kisan Bandhu is over and list finalised in consultation with all concerned in one district. Utilisation of their service in progress.
22 IMPACT OF RKVY & OTHER SCHEMES ON PRODUCTION & PRODUCTIVITY OF CROPS Sl. No. CropProduction (lakh MT)Productivity (Kg. per ha.) Growth (%) Growth (%) 1.Rice % % 2.Pulses % % 3.Oilseeds % % 4.Fruits % % 5.Vegetables % %
23 Productivity Of Horticultural Crops IMPACT OF SCHEMES (Kg. per hectare) CropAssamNational Average Fruits Vegetables Spices
24 BEST PRACTICES ADOPTED A. Technology Showcasing The Department of Agriculture and Assam Agricultural University is organizing demonstration programme on Winter Rice covering an area of 100 hectare per demonstration. The significance of this demonstration programmes are - a.This will be a compact area of 100 ha in a field strategically located and attached to National Highway only. b.All scientific package of practice are being adopted with farmers’ participation. c.Entire plot will be brought under Seed Certification. d.The same plot of land will be utilized for production of Rapeseed / Lentil in ensuing Rabi season after harvest of Winter Rice. e.Altogether 11 nos. of districts are covered under this programme. a.This will be a compact area of 100 ha in a field strategically located and attached to National Highway only. b.All scientific package of practice are being adopted with farmers’ participation. c.Entire plot will be brought under Seed Certification. d.The same plot of land will be utilized for production of Rapeseed / Lentil in ensuing Rabi season after harvest of Winter Rice. e.Altogether 11 nos. of districts are covered under this programme.
25 BEST PRACTICES ADOPTED B. Bhut Jalakia (Capsicum chinense) A hottest Chilli variety of highest Scoville content i.e Lakh plus which is under Gunnies Book of World Record. The crop is valued for production of wide range of products besides defence requirement and export demand. It was never cultivated in an organized manner. The State has take up cultivation in 700 ha involving large number of SHGs / Women SHGs and the product of first harvest has started arriving local markets. A hottest Chilli variety of highest Scoville content i.e Lakh plus which is under Gunnies Book of World Record. The crop is valued for production of wide range of products besides defence requirement and export demand. It was never cultivated in an organized manner. The State has take up cultivation in 700 ha involving large number of SHGs / Women SHGs and the product of first harvest has started arriving local markets.
26 ISSUES FOR INTERVENTION BY GOI Seed: Subsidy on seeds to be increased - very low at present. Irrigation: Due to poor condition of 85% small & marginal farmers, subsidy on pump sets be raised from 50% to 80%. Credit: Banks are reluctant. Ministry of Finance should motivate Banks. NFSM: NFSM – Rice / Pulse be extended to more districts as the performance is encouraging.
27 The rate of transportation of fertilizer by road from rake point to dealers Godown requires revision immediately because the present rate Of Rs.1.44 per ton per KM for the stage of Assam is causing huge loss in transportation. The present policy of payment of uniform cost to the companies for transportation of fertilizers by railways should be changed and all companies be paid actual cost of transportation by railways. The dealers margin should be improved to encourage propositioning of the stocks or alternatively the states should be allowed to fix differential rates for sale of fertilizers after adjudging the actual cost incurred by the dealers. Sufficient railway rakes should be arranged to carry fertilizers to North Eastern Region on priority. ISSUES FOR INTERVENTION BY GOI - Fertiliser
28 Thank You