UN Millennium Development Goals Target date: 2015 Text adapted from: United Nations Development Programme: (2002); Millennium Development Goals Report 2005: The State of Food Insecurity in the World (FAO) 2005
1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Target for 2015: Halve the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day and those who suffer from hunger. –More than a billion people live on less than $1 a day –800 million people do not have enough food to meet their energy needs –¼ of children under 5 in the developing world are malnourished
Poverty and Malnutrition ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/008/a0200e/a0199e.pdf
2. Achieve universal primary education Target for 2015: Ensure that all boys and girls complete primary school. –115 million children do not attend school, but the target is within reach. India classroom
Children out of school
Global Literacy
3. Promote gender equality and empower women Target for 2015: Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education –Two-thirds of illiterates are women
Gender inequality in education
Gender inequality in employment The rate of employment among women is two-thirds that of men.
Gender inequality in government The proportion of seats in parliaments held by women is increasing –16% worldwide –About one third in Argentina Mozambique South Africa Luisa Dias Diogo, Prime Minister of Mozambique
4. Reduce child mortality Target for 2015: Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under five –Every year nearly 11 million young children die before their fifth birthday Equals 30,000 children a day mainly from preventable illnesses that number is down from 15 million in
5. Improve maternal health Target for 2015: Reduce by three-quarters the ratio of women dying in childbirth. –In the developing world, the risk of dying in childbirth is one in 48 But virtually all countries now have safe motherhood programs. –U.S. risk of dying in childbirth is one in 10,000 Nurse-midwife trainees, India
Maternal Mortality (2005) ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/008/a0200e/a01 99e.pdf
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Target for 2015: Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other major diseases. –Forty million people are living with HIV –AIDS is the leading cause of premature death in Sub- Saharan Africa
People living with HIV AIDS
HIV AIDS in Africa 25 Million Africans have HIV AIDS –2/3 of worldwide AIDS 2 million deaths/year 12 million AIDS orphans
Malaria Mosquito netting: effective & inexpensive
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/008/a0200e/a0199e.pdf AIDS, Malaria and Hunger
HIV Education Some countries have shown that the spread of HIV can be stemmed. –Brazil –Senegal –Thailand –Uganda Uganda billboard
7. Ensure environmental sustainability Targets: –Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs –Reverse the loss of environmental resources. Reforestation project, West Africa
Global Deforestation tloss1.htm&h=513&w=606&sz=24&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=etGrSQBAHa7PdM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddeforestation%2Bm ap%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8
Safe Drinking Water Target: by 2015, reduce by half the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water. –More than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water –During the 1990s, nearly one billion people gained access to safe water 0.jpg&imgrefurl= ndex.cfm%3FuNewsID%3D11881&h=252&w=166&sz=12&hl=en&start=2&tbni d=P2ErBGOVbEUYtM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=69&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsafe%2B drinking%2Bwater%2Bdeveloping%2Bnations%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%2 6lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8
Populations without access to safe drinking water
Slum Dwellers Target: by 2020 achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers. New Delhi, India
Number of Urban Slum Dwellers is Increasing Global urban population has surpassed rural population –Future increase in world population will be in urban slums There are now 1 billion slum dwellers –31% of urban populations worldwide –71% of urban populations in Sub- Saharan Africa Global urban population will grow to 6 billion by 2050 –Will be 3.5 billion slum dwellers Source: BBC 2003
Sanitation More than two billion people lack sanitation. –Half the developing world –During the 1990’s nearly one billion people gained access to sanitation. Improving sanitation, East Africa CC969670EC00/44925/postertobiasbigamboplaatje2.JPG
8. Develop a global partnership for development Targets: –Develop further an open trading and financial system –includes a national and international commitment to good governance development poverty reduction Uganda Parliament
Special Needs Address the least developed countries’ special needs –Landlocked States –Small island developing States Haiti
Youth Develop decent and productive work for youth Youth job training, S. Africa
Affordable Drugs Provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries –In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies
Technology In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies –Especially information and communications technologies.
Internet World Map (2007)
Debt Deal comprehensively with developing countries’ debt problems – Many developing countries spend more on debt service than on social services. –Middle income countries benefit from increased trade –Poorest countries benefit more from aid than trade
Progress Toward MGD (2005) ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/008/a0200e/a01 99e.pdf