Rev. Gilberto Garcia-Rodriguez, M.Div.
The session: Will help the participants to have a better understanding of the Hispanic culture Clarify the differences from their ethnic aspect. The cultural background plays an important role in the life of patients and clients, and the caregivers must integrate these aspects as part of the treatment in the process of recovery. Participants will learn how to integrate these techniques that focus on Hispanic background for a better recovery. Approach to the Hispanic Culture and Issues in Aging
The session provides the opportunity for workers to integrate in a regular treatment, the appropriate cultural particularities with the pertinent treatment techniques. It will help workers to explore the families’ particularities so that the final product can become relevant. Approach to the Hispanic Culture and Issues in Aging
Understanding diversity in hispanic groups Ideas pre-inmigration New oportunities Hope Future Experience post-inmigration New language Cultural, social & Spiritual change Residential changes Relationship and family system changes Lack of emotional support Approach to the Hispanic Culture and Issues in Aging
Clarify The Differences Cultural differences Political differences Religious differences: Roman Catholic vs Protestant/Pentecostal Ethnic support Approach to the Hispanic Culture and Issues in Aging
Aspects to Integrate as part of the treatment Ask Learn about the ethnic and culture background of the patient Learn about music and religious preferences Search for support groups or family support Explore environment of the patient Ask, Listen Informed Approach to the Hispanic Culture and Issues in Aging