Electron String Phenomenon: Physics and Applications by E. D. Donets, S. V. Gudkov, D. E. Donets, E. E. Donets, A. D. Kovalenko, S. V. Salnikov, V. B. Shutov, E. M. Syresin, Yu. A. Tumanova and V. P. Vadeev The work was supported in part by the International Association (Grants: INTAS , INTAS ), the Civilian Research and Development Foundation (Grants: RP1-2110, RP DU-02), the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and by the Government of Japan in frame of the “Centers of Excellence” program.
1. Electron string is the first discovered high temperature stationary state of one component electron plasma, which is confined by strong solenoid magnetic and weak constant electric fields. 2. Electron string is formed in nonlinear process via strong instability of trapped electrons and exists as a dynamic equilibrium of injecting and loosing electrons. 3. Electron string state is quasi stable and quiet in a broad region of condition parameters, so that it can be used for ion trapping in its space charge and for production of highly charged ions by string electron impact. 4. Electron string ion source was developed and applied on the Nuclotron facility for production of relativistic beams of Ar16+ and Fe A and 150 A pulse ion currents correspondingly were produced for injection into the LINAC.
5. The tubular version of the electron string state is a goal of researches now. Factor in increase of ionization efficiency and of ion output is expected for a tubular apparatus. 6. Electron string phenomenon can be used for the proof of the p-p chain in the standard model of Sun energy generation to bring the new information on neutrino production in the chain. 7. Similar to electron string the positron one can exist.
Q - (e-ch.) Brutal force Sophisticated appr KW KW KW
3 mm 1 mm 0.2 mm Experimental conditions: Bmax = 3.5 T; Vacuum P < torr Drift tube temperature 4.2 K Total length of the drift tube structure 1.2 m
Injection electron current: 5 A 5 A electron current injected Electron current accumulated
Injection electron current: 50 A 50 A electron current injected Electron current accumulated Electron current ejected
Injection electron current: 500 A 500 A electron current injected Electron current accumulated
measured with the method of controlled decay of electron string
The method of radiative electron capture Kinetic electron energy distribution in the string with the feeding electron energy equal to 5.4 KeV
Transition to the electron string state, detected by means of observation of the change in the pulse ion current produced. (1996)
Charge state distribution of Ar ions after 500 ms confinement in an electron string space. I Ar16+ = 200 A in 8 s
Charge state distribution of Fe ions after 1100 ms confinement in space of an electron string. I Fe24+ = 150 A in 8 s
Tubular electron string (painting)
Off-axis ion extraction from tubular electron string (painting)
3D-simulation of the off-axis ion extraction from a tubular string
Q - (e-ch.) Brutal force. ESIS/TESIS KW 50 W KW 200 W KW 2 KW KW KW
KeV E cm OCEAN data LUNA data S-f MeVb Extrapolation
1. Electron string is the first discovered high temperature stationary state of one component electron plasma, which is confined by strong solenoid magnetic and weak constant electric fields. 2. Electron string is formed in nonlinear process via strong instability of trapped electrons and exists as a dynamic equilibrium of injecting and loosing electrons. 3. Electron string state is quasi stable and quiet in a broad region of condition parameters, so that it can be used for ion trapping in its space charge and for production of highly charged ions by the string electron impact. 4. Electron string ion source was developed and applied on the Nuclotron facility for production of relativistic beams of Ar16+ and Fe A and 150 A pulse ion currents correspondingly were produced for injection into the LINAC. 5. The tubular version of the electron string state is a goal of researches now. Factor in increase of ionization efficiency and of ion output is expected for a tubular apparatus. 6. Electron string phenomenon can be used for the proof of the p-p chain in the standard model of Sun energy generation to bring the new information on neutrino production in the chain. 7. Similar to electron string the positron one can exist.