How to Study More Effectively
Make It A Habit! Set a regular time to study. Make sure your study time is a priority. Choose a time when you are at your best.
Be Prepared Do your work in the same place everyday Do your work in the same place everyday Least amount of distractions Least amount of distractions Supplies & references books close by. Supplies & references books close by.
Set Goals Use Binder Reminder Use Binder Reminder Daily check off accomplishments Daily check off accomplishments Keep long-term assignments in mind Keep long-term assignments in mind
Start with the Tough Stuff Study when your brain is the freshest Do the most difficult subject/assignment first. After that study time will be a breeze.
Study in Shorter Periods You learn more from two 20 minutes sessions than one 40 minute one. Break it up with a short stretch, drink of cold water. Break a long assignment up with another subject in between.
Chunk As you get older many assignments get longer. Chunk long-term projects into smaller parts with you own due dates…..write it down and check off when done. Prevents panic attacks
Stay on Track If you feel your mind start to wander……..write down the problem/idea and come back to it later Music is ok….don’t let it control your work (make it background music) Turn off tv, computer, & video games Stay away from distractions
Review Spend 5-10 minutes every day reviewing notes from each class. When the information is clear in your mind you can clarify your notes and abbreviations. It will also help on tests!
Last Thing Before Bed Have your homework in a pre- arranged place in your notebook every day. Organize your backpack and notebook. Put backpack by the door you will walk out of in the morning
How to do Better on Tests
Don’t Cram Review in short study sessions….less pressure….you’ll remember more! The brain needs rest. Make reviewing part of homework routine…over days You remember about 10% of what you read.
Use as quick reviews. Make them they day you get notes. Can be made for any subject. Commercials…drives in the car…..waiting! USE COLOR Make Flash Cards
Study Sheet/Practice Test Things you know are on the test or ideas that are hard to understand. Use during day of test to review. USE COLOR! You remember about 40% of what you read and write.
Study with Someone Don’t socialize…STUDY! Teach the subject to a parent, friend, sibling, dog, cat, pillow………..just say it out loud! You remember about 80% of what you read, write and talk about.
Getting Ready Have supplies packed the night before that you will need on the test Dress for success…or in clothes that make you feel good! Eat a good breakfast and protein….not Cap’n Crunch, Pop Tarts and Rock Star!
Taking the Test
Scan the test quickly…essays…etc. Read the directions carefully…underline if needed. Skip questions if you need to….circle or mark it (on your answer sheet) so you know to come back.
Look for clue words. Every so often make sure the answer to the question is in the right spot. Check your work.