- Typically, retained ownership refers to a producer sending calves/feeders to a feedlot and owning some percentage of them. The calves/feeders can be either purchased or raised. The weight of the calves/feeders being sent to the feedlot does not change the definition of retained ownership. Retained Ownership
Beef Production Segments Cow/Calf (Birth to Weaning) Stockers (Weaning up to 800 lbs.) Retained Ownership (Calf or Feeders to Fed)
Why Retained Ownership? 1. Learn more about calves-- Performance Shrink Days of Feed Average Daily Gain Pound of Feed Per Pound of Gain (DM) Quality Grade Pound of Feed Per Head of Per Day (DM) Backfat Hot Carcass Weight Ribeye Area Yield Grade
Increase net income Cow/Calf Backgrounding Finishing
Steps in Deciding to Retain Ownership 1. Complete a financial analysis 2. Decide on risk management strategies * Basis Contracts* Options * Forward Contract * Futures Contracts
Select a feedlot Offer line-of-creditType of cattle preferred All-in and all-out production Carcass data availabe Yardage & other expenses Location Health program Years in business CleanlinessMarketing assistance References availableFinancing
Economic Analysis Tools for Evaluating Retained Ownership Break-even Analysis Total costs divided by sale weight
Feedlot Break-even Example Calf weight: 1200 lbs. Total Costs Per calf: $800/hd. Break-even: $800 ÷ 1,200 lbs. X 100 = $66.66 cwt. Sale Price: $70/cwt. Net income: $ $66.66 = $3.34 per cwt. or $3.34 x 12 cwt. = $40.08/hd.
Returns and Cost of Gain Analysis (Sale Price x Sale Weight) Minus (Purchase Price x Purchase Weight) Divided by (Sale weight - Purchase Weight) Equals Returns per Pound of Gain
Costs of Gain (*Total Costs) Divided by (Sale weight - Purchase Weight) *Excluding purchase cost of calf Equals Cost of Gain
Gain Analysis Example Total Costs Per Calf (Less Cost of Calf): $215 per head Sale Price: $70 per cwt. Sale Weight: 1200 lbs. Cost of Calf: 90 per cwt. Purchase weight: 650 lbs. Pounds gain: 550 lbs. Returns Per cwt. of Gain $70per cwt. x 1200 lbs. = $840 Less $90 per cwt. x 650 lbs. = $585 Revenue per Pound of Gain: ($255 ÷ 550 lbs.) x 100= $46.36 per cwt. $255 per head
Returns Per CWT of Gain Total Cost *Per Head $215 ($215 ÷ 550 lbs.) x 100 = $39.09 per cwt. *Excluding cost of calf Net Returns Per cwt. Gain Revenue $ Cost $ Net $ 7.27 Net per head = $7.27/cwt. x 5.5 cwt. = $40.08/hd.
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