Meeting I Human Services Coordinated Transportation Plan GF/EGF MPO
Welcome ► Representatives of public, private and non- profit transportation services ► Human Service providers ► 4 Meetings to coordinate development of Human Services Transportation Plan ► Introductions Name, organization, most served demographic, & transit services i.e. vouchers, volunteers & fixed route
Why needed? ► 2005 passage of transportation bill: SAFETEA-LU ► Beginning FY 2007, applicant projects for the following must be derived from a Coordinated Plan: New Freedom – new or beyond ADA Job Access & Reverse Commute (JARC) Elderly & Disable Transportation Program ► MnDOT only (can be used for both sides)
Why Coordinate? ► Improved transportation services Increased level of service: greater frequency of routes, expanded hours, coverage Greater accessibility, provide customers with transit alternatives still able to accommodate needs ► Lower costs For transit operators, customers ► Customer oriented “Mobility Manager” – broker of all transit options, direct line for customers
Possible Projects ► Increased public transit hours Early Saturday, & Sunday Service ► Service to Industrial Park ► Night Owl service for 3 rd shift workers 10 pm – 6 am ► Same day response for Dial-A-Ride
Products of Coordinated Project 1. Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan Amendment to MPO (TDP) Approved by both MPO & Cities of GF, EGF 5 year planning horizon, updated every 5 years Foundation for additional research & updates Allows eligibility for additional federal funds 2. Directory of transportation services in GF/EGF metro area Make available to human service organizations as tool to provide transit information for clients Pamphlet for target users
Elements of Plan 1. Assessment of transportation needs for individuals w/ disabilities, older adults and persons with limited incomes 2. Inventory of available services 3. Strategies to address identified gaps 4. Identification of coordination to reduce duplication 5. Prioritize implementation strategies
Meetings ► Meeting I-today Goals, Objectives of Plan ► Meeting II-June 6 th Gap analysis: current services/current needs Identify Strategies ► Meeting III-June 26 th Possible coordination? ► Meeting IV-July 25 th Prioritize strategies Approve Plan
Objectives of Study ► Geographic distribution of low-income, people with disabilities and the elderly ► Identify public, private, non-profit human service transportation ► Identify physical and social barriers between targeted demographics and their primary destinations ► Identify and prioritize activities and projects to address transportation barriers
Public Input ► 4 Stakeholder meetings ► In line with Public Participation Plan ► Reviewed by customers, clients, developed by representatives ► Public Meeting to review Final plan
GF/EGF Target Populations ► Demographics ► Ridership Maps found on “”
Needs Assessment ► Meeting II - Review of Data Gap Analysis Identify Strategies ► Discussion What to look for in data?