“Food for All”
Presented by “Food for All Committee” Group Members CIS 1020: Joshua Warnock Haige Zhang Keneth Ochoa
For President Huftalin Salt Lake Community College
As there are more international students study in Salt Lake Community College, it is necessary to expand the variety of the food in the food court. With the improvement of the food court, students will not have to go out of campus to look for food they like. It saves students time, and it makes students’ school time more efficient. With the expansion of food court, students can also work as a part-time job in the food court.
The benefits for the students are: International students will feel more comfortable with their own food. Students can experience different kind of food at campus. Food court also provide food for vegetarian and Jewish (kosher). Variety food enrich the atmosphere of the food court.
Current Staff Expenses - Monthly StaffHourly Pay RateMonthly Work HoursNumber of StaffTotal Cost Chefs $ $ 2, Cashiers $ $ 2, Dishwashers $ $ Total $ 5, Projected Staff Expenses - Monthly StaffHourly Pay RateMonthly Work HoursNumber of StaffTotal Cost Chefs $ $ 7, Cashiers $ $ 3, Dishwashers $ $ 1, Total $ 11,820.00
Current Expenses - Monthly CategoriesPrice per pound/boxQuantityTotal Cost Meat Beef $ $ Poultry $ $ Pork $ $ Vegetables $ $ Fruits $ $ Grains $ $ Sauces $ $ Drinks $ $ Utensils $ $ Total $ 2,370.63
Projected Expenses - Monthly CategoriesPrice per pound/boxQuantityTotal Cost Meat Beef $ $ Poultry $ $ Pork $ $ Vegetables $ $ Fruits $ $ Grains $ $ Sauces $ $ Drinks $ $ 1, Utensils $ $ Total $ 4,741.25
Current Sales Revenue - Monthly ItemsPriceQuantityTotal 2 Entrees/box $ $ 11, Entrees/box $ $ 8, Drinks $ $ 3, Fruit salads $ $ Total $ 24, Projected Sales Revenue - Monthly ItemsPriceQuantityTotal 2 Entrees/box $ $ 23, Entrees/box $ $ 16, Kosher/box $ $ 6, Vegetarian/box $ $ 8, Drinks $ $ 6, Fruit salads $ $ 1, Total $ 63,836.00
Total (Current) Sales Revenue $ 24, Costs $ 8, Gross Profit $ 15, Total (Projected) Sales Revenue $ 63, Costs $ 16, Gross Profit $ 47,274.75