From Douglas fir to Dungeness crab: Land use change and ecosystem services in Hood Canal, WA J. Toft, M. Marsik, G. Spiridonov, D. Sutherland, J. Burke, M. Carey, A. Guerry, P. Levin, M. Plummer, M. Ruckelshaus
When do land-based activities affect the success of marine resource management?
freshwater water quality oysters crab and fish Simple models for application in the 3 systems?
The InVEST Tool Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs
Water Yield and Scarcity Reservoir Hydropower Production Freshwater Purification: Nutrient Retention Sediment Retention Avoided dredging and water quality regulation Managed Timber Production Crop Pollination Renewable energy: waves Coastal Vulnerability & Protection Aquaculture: finfish & shellfish Aesthetic quality Fisheries Recreation Habitat risk assessment Marine water quality
Water Yield Model
Average Annual Discharge Compared To USGS and WADOE gauge observations Average Annual Discharge Compared To USGS and WADOE gauge observations 2006 Snapshot: Land Cover Available Water Content Soil Depth Topography Watersheds Sub-Watersheds Snapshot: Land Cover Available Water Content Soil Depth Topography Watersheds Sub-Watersheds Annual Values: Precipitation Potential Evapotranspiration Annual Values: Precipitation Potential Evapotranspiration LU Tables: Rooting Depth Plant ET coefficient Water Demand LU Tables: Rooting Depth Plant ET coefficient Water Demand
SubwatershedSourceYearsN-S DuckabushRiverBrinnon USGS Daily Hamma Hamma near EldonUSGS Daily SkokomishRiverPotlatch USGS Daily BigBeefCreekatmouth USGS Daily LittleQuilceneatMouth WA Dept Ecy Daily BigQuilceneRiveratmouth WA Dept Ecy Daily DosewallipsRiveratBrinnon WA Dept Ecy Daily
Nutrient Model: Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus Phosphorus, Total SubwatershedYearsDifference Duckabush Brinnon Skokomish Potlatch Big Beef at mouth Nitrogen, Total SubwatershedYearsDifference Big Quilcene at mouth Duckabush Brinnon Skokomish Potlatch Big Beef at mouth
water quality
Physical transport model
Skokomish Duckabush Hamma Dosewallips Big Quilcene Little Quilcene Big Beef Creek 2-Layer Box Model, 6 Regions Based on Babson et al. (2006), but rewritten in MATLAB for more general use 6 boxes in HC, 7 rivers IC’s: from MoSSea BC’s: from ADM001 DoE station ADM001 (DoE) Hans (ORCA) Physical transport model
Biogeochemical Cycling NPZDO modeling: Oxygen is added in proportional to nutrient uptake (Banas et al. 2009) or see:
Pacific oysters
Pacific Oyster Production Model $: Commercial and Recreational
Dungeness crab
Inputs Spatial structure of the population Fisheries Catch, harvest rates/strategies Life history details Age-structure, survival rates, fecundity, spawner/recruit, immigration rates Economics Price-per-pound, fixed & variable costs Numbers of crab harvested Commercial and Recreational Value of harvest Outputs
freshwater water quality Pacific oysters Dungeness crab
Eastern oysters Blue crab Striped bass Eastern oysters Blue crab Red drum Pacific oysters Dungeness crab Pacific salmon (sps TBD)