Seismic Hazard in the Eastern & Southern Alps: State of the Art and New Challenges S. Parolai / M. Pilz (M. Weber) GFZ-German Research Centre for Geosciences Center for Early Warning Stefano Parolai – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Local Seismicity and the “Friaul” box
Friaul 1976 Emilia 2012
Stefano Parolai – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences 15 broad band stations 21 short period stations
Stefano Parolai – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Instrumental and Historical catalog Emilia 2012 Friaul 1976
Stefano Parolai – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Hazard Maps and Seismic Normative
Stefano Parolai – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Proposed activities 1)Spectral analysis of earthquake and seismic noise recordings 2)Advance polarization analysis based on time-frequency decomposition of seismograms The unique data set collected by the dense array installed during the project will allow an un-precedent evaluation of site effects with high spatial resolution by: Furthermore the potential for extreme non linear site effects will be assessed using seismic noise array data analysis (1D-3D) These data are of major importance also for better understanding the relations between surface process and seismic records
Stefano Parolai – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Thank You! Emilia 2012 Friaul 1976 Moving array stations 3-4 months D swath
Seismic Hazard in the Eastern & Southern Alps: State of the Art and New Challenges Stefano Parolai GFZ-German Research Centre for Geosciences Center for Early Warning Stefano Parolai – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Slide 1: the probabilistic seismic hazard (PSHA) has been recently evaluated for Italy using the most up-to-date information about seismic zonation, historical and instrumental catalog, ground motion prediction equation, etc Slide 2: site effects play a fundamental role in determining the spatial distribution of ground shaking, but only for specific (local) studies they can be treated in details within the PSHA context. Slide 3: In the Po plain, significant site effects are expected. This slide shows examples of non-linear site effects following the Emilia earthquake. Slide 4: in the Po plain, site effects related to the geometry of the basin (2D/3D site effects) are also expected. Local generated surface waves can led to significant increase of long-period ground shaking. Slide 5: proposed activities to evaluate the site effects in the Po plain and their effect on the ground shaking.