Today’s Objectives 1) Describe the role of the U.S. in the Spanish-American War 2) Explain what Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policy is
Why were we interested in Cuba? American businesses were interested in their raw materials American citizens were living in Cuba Cubans want independence, we can help
Cubans Revolt Against Spain Cubans had been fighting off the Spaniards for independence Americans sided with the Cubans, it reminded them of our own fight with Great Britain US newspapers were printing shocking stories about what was happening in Cuba Yellow Journalism- publishing exaggerated or made-up news stories to attract readers and influence their ideas
Explosion of the Maine Fighting started in Havana, Cuba President McKinley sent the U.S. battleship Maine to Cuba He wanted to protect the Americans living in Cuba Unfortunately, things did not go as planned
What happened to the Maine? On Feb. 15, 1898 an explosion happened in the ship The ship exploded and started the sink There were 260 American sailors killed
How did the U.S. respond? Americans were outraged Exaggerated news stories broke out about what happened No one really new what exactly happened until years later Regardless, the Americans were so mad, they were ready to fight They declared war on Spain on April 25, 1898