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Indonesian Music Examples Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4
Paris World’s Fair (1889)
Paris World’s Fair (main promenade)
Indonesian Dancers
Dutch Exhibition at 1889 Paris World’s Fair From a Dutch magazine describing the “colonial exhibition” at the Paris World’s Fair (1889).
Gamelan (1889 Paris World’s Fair)
Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893)
Java Village (“Dutch Settlement”) at Columbian Exposition
Chicago Gamelan
Gamelan Instruments Struck Idiophones (majority / most important) - gongs - metalophones - xylophones Membranophone (a few) Chordophone (even fewer) Aerophone (even fewer)
Gamelan in Action See Gamelan: Instruments of the Gamelan for a “map” of the Gamelan and an interactive description of the instrumentsGamelan: Instruments of the Gamelan
Three Basic Layers Balungen = “Nuclear Melody” – the basic “tune” (played one pitch per beat) [“skeletal melody” in textbook] “Colotomic Structure” = “metrical structure” of Balungen (marked at end by largest gong) “Elaboration” = fastest moving upper parts, division of the Baungen into smaller units
Gong ageng (largest suspended) Ex: YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & KempulYouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & Kempul
Kenong (largest cradled gong) Ex: YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques – Kenong (start 1:45)YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques – Kenong
Kempul (smaller suspended) Ex: YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & KempulYouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & Kempul
Ketuk (small cradled gong) Ex: YouTube - Gamelan - Kempyang & KetukYouTube - Gamelan - Kempyang & Ketuk
Nuclear Melody (Sarons & Slentem) Slentem YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Saron
Elaboration Bonang Gambang (wooden bars) Ex: YouTube - Gamelan - GambangYouTube - Gamelan - Gambang Gender Barung (lower pitch)Gender Panerus (higher pitch)
TUNINGS & SCALES SLENDRO (front) = 5 notes (pentatonic) CDEGA (or use piano black keys) PELOG (side) = 7 notes (sounds “minor”) EFGB b BCD
Colotomic Structure of BUBARAN
Gong ageng marks “Gongan” GONG
kenong marks “kenongan” 123Kenong 567Kenong 91011Kenong GONG Kenong
Kempul divides “Gatra” 1 Kempul3Kenong 5 Kempul 7Kenong 9 Kempul11Kenong 13 Kempul 15GONG Kenong
Ketuk punctuates odd beats Ketuk KempulKetukKenong Ketuk Kempul KetukGONG Kenong
BUBARAN (you perform) “tuk”(silent) “tuk” “nong” “tuk” “pul” “tuk” “nong” “tuk” “pul” “tuk” “GONG” “nong”
Making Gamelan Instruments YouTube - the making of gamelan YouTube - Rhythm of the Gamelan Makers.part1YouTube - Rhythm of the Gamelan Makers.part1 YouTube - Rhythm of the Gamelan Makers.part2YouTube - Rhythm of the Gamelan Makers.part2
Uses of the Gamelan Associated w/ Royalty (private performance) JVC 9-1 (Bali), JVC 10-3 (Java) Accompanies Dance JVC 9-2 (Bali) – Pendet (welcome dance) JVC 9-3 (Bali) – Baris (Warrior Dance) [Wayang orang = Dance Drama] Accompanies Puppet Plays – Wayang kulit JVC 10-2 – Wedding (10 hr performance) Tourism (stylized performances) Ex. – Kecak (voice gamelan) JVC 10-1 (Bali) – Ramayana Epic (YouTube - Kecak Dance in Bali)YouTube - Kecak Dance in Bali
Wayang Kulit “Shadow Puppet Theater” YouTube - Wayang kulit excerpt 1 YouTube - Wayang kulit excerpt 2 YouTube - perang gagal (behind the scene)YouTube - perang gagal YouTube - perang kembang (behind the scene)YouTube - perang kembang YouTube - WAYANG KULIT “GORO-GORO” KI. ANOM SUROTO 1 OF 11 (additional multiple parts available on YouTube)YouTube - WAYANG KULIT “GORO-GORO” KI. ANOM SUROTO 1 OF 11
Indonesian Dance w/ Gamelan “Gamelan Gong Kebyar” YouTube - Gamelan Cudamani YouTube - Tari Kebyar Duduk Indonesian “voice gamelan” “Kecak” (for tourists) YouTube - Kecak Dance at Uluwatu Temple, Bali Part 1 YouTube - Kecak Dance in Bali YouTube - Tari Kecak Bali 1