The Story of the Spanish American War a.k.a The SP-AM
Once Upon a Time in a land not so far away… There was a country called Spain which had expanded and owned many colonies. Two of those colonies were Cuba and Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Cuba
Answer the following questions IN COMPLTE SENTENCES on separate sheet of paper… 1.What two colonies did Spain own that were close to the U.S.? 2.Why might this be a problem for the US?
In Cuba… There was a violent uprising by the Cubans. They wanted their own land and own leaders. Jose Marti led the Cuban rebels in a revolt against Spain.
However… Spain sent General Valeriano Weyler… aka… “The Butcher” to stop the CUBANS from revolting. He set into place the system of “re-concentration,” in which various fortified areas were designated, and all inhabitants were given eight days to move in, including cattle and other animals. Anyone caught outside was considered the enemy and killed. Hundreds of Cubans died in the camps. He penned up about 500,000 Cubans in these camps.
Life in the camps was a death sentence…
Keep going: 3. Who led the Cuban revolt against Spain? 4. What did Butcher Weyler do to the Cubans? Why do you think his nickname was “The Butcher”? 5. What was life like in the camps?
When the Americans heard about the death camps they felt: -Sympathetic towards the Cubans. -Leading to American support of the Cuban revolt.
Meanwhile back in the United States… Two newspapers were reporting on the Spanish and Cuban uprisings. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were two newspaper owners writing stories about the revolt. William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer
They used a tactic called… Yellow Journalism When a newspaper sensationalizes a story..
Almost done : 6. What are two reasons why Americans went to war in the SP-AM?
The de Lome letter…dundundun The letter written by the Spanish minister to America. It stated that President McKinley was “weak”. The letter was stolen from the P.O. and given to Hearst to publish in his paper…
The letter outraged Americans and embarrassed Spain. On February 9, 1898, the letter was published in the New York Journal, headlining "THE WORST INSULT TO THE UNITED STATES IN IT’S HISTORY” Americans were angry with Spain calling America weak.. Thus calling for war…
The USS Maine The US battleship Maine arrived in Havana harbor on January 25 th To protect and observe what was happening in Havana Cuba.
The USS Maine On February 15 th the Maine exploded and took 260 men with her. America thought the Spanish blew up the ship with an underwater mine… BBUUUTTTTTT…. A 1976 investigation showed that gun powder ignited and blew up the ship. Oppps…
With this explosion… The United States prepared for war against Spain. On April 20, 1898 Congress issued a resolution that declared Cuba independent.
Attached to the resolution was the.. Teller Amendment Declaring that the United States had no intention of taking over Cuba. Spain declares war on the US April 24. President McKinley signs US declaration on April 23 rd.
Phew….: 7. What are three more reasons to fight in the SP-AM?
This is it… 8. What were the five reasons why the United States fought in the Sp-Am? 9. Is the Sp-Am fought for imperialistic or isolationistic reasons? Explain your answer. 10. In your opinion should the United States intervene in other countries problems and issues? Answer in 10 sentences..