Whole Numbers and Fractions on the Number Line Lessons 13-1 thru 13-3 Number your paper 1 – 12
1.Write the value of A, B, and C. 13.1
2.Write the value of A, B, and C. 13.1
3.Write the value of A, B, and C. 13.1
4. Which letter represents 57 on the number line? 13.1
5. Write the missing numbers. 13.2
6. Write the missing numbers. 13.2
7. Which point on the number line represents 18? 13.2
8. Write the missing fraction and mixed number. 13.3
9. Write the mixed numbers representing the School, Mall and Park. 13.3
10. Write the missing fraction. 13.3
11. Write the missing mixed number. 13.3
12. Write the missing fractions. 13.3