Global Health Cluster Orientation Package An Introduction to the Orientation Package
Aims of the Orientation Package To provide an overview and raise awareness of: The Humanitarian Reform The Cluster approach Cluster finance mechanisms The tools and guidance developed by the Global Health Cluster
Intended Audience Health Cluster partners at: global regional and country level
Content The package consists of 4 modules (1-4) The modules can be taken in any order, depending on the current level of knowledge/awareness of the audience An indicative amount of time is given for each module
The Modules 1.The Background and Principles of the Humanitarian Reform: 45 minutes 2.Introduction to the Health Cluster: 1 hour 3.Humanitarian Financing: 1.5 hours 4.Guidance, Tools and Resources: 1.5 hours
Module 1: Background and Principles of the Humanitarian Reform On completion of this module participants will have a good understanding of: The background and purpose of the humanitarian reform The principles behind the humanitarian reform The objectives of the humanitarian reform
Module 2: Introduction to the Health Cluster On completion of this module participants will have a good understanding of: The role, functioning and membership of the Health Cluster at global and country level The roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders at global and country level
Module 3: Humanitarian Financing On completion of this module participants will have a good understanding of: Existing humanitarian financing mechanisms: i.e. FLASH, CAP, CERF, and ERF How Health Cluster partners can contribute to and benefit from these mechanisms How these mechanisms fit into overall strategy development and planning at country level
Module 4: Guidance, Tools & Resources On completion of this module participants will be aware of: The tools and guidance developed by the Global Health Cluster The aims and practical applications of these tools and guidance
The Health Cluster Guide The Global Health Cluster has developed a practical guide for country-level implementation of the Health Cluster Available in English and French: online hard copy CD/ROM
Contents of the Health Cluster Guide Chapter 1: Role and functioning of a health cluster Chapter 2: Assuring effective coordination Chapter 3: Assessing and monitoring the health situation Chapter 4: Analysing and prioritizing Chapter 5: Developing a strategy; planning Chapter 6: Ensuring standards Chapter 7: Advocacy and resource mobilization Chapter 8: Monitoring cluster performance Chapter 9: Standard services and indicator list
Annexes A. Generic terms of reference for sector leads B. Types and phases of assessment in a humanitarian crisis C. General principles for all data collection activities D. Drawing up an assessment plan, schedule and budget E. Stakeholder analysis F. Priority cross-cutting issues G. Analysing response options; examples of negative effects H. SPHERE standards
Resources Health Cluster Guide Humanitarian Reform Global Humanitarian Platform