Presentation order Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system and safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future design (Kruser53)
Team Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design 12 students in mechanical engineering from Université de Sherbrooke
Team Each student in the program must do a major design project Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Each student in the program must do a major design project It consists of a 2 year project including 4 reports : Project identification (and feasibility study) System engineering (Choice & iteration of concept and specifications) Detailed engineering (CAD Drawing and part design) System validation (Prototype building and function specifications validation)
Overview and goals Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Beat the world record speed for a one-person human propelled submarine of 3.7 m/s Variable pitch propeller propulsion Retractable fins Double NACA profiles hull adjusted to the athlete Computer assisted stabilisation
Design philosophy Performance through innovation Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Performance through innovation No compromises on performance Minimized water displaced volume to reduce weight and drag
Hull Hydrodynamics based on NACA profiles Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Hydrodynamics based on NACA profiles Fiberglass sandwich construction Components glued and laminated to the hull Providing the overall positive buoyancy Thermoformed polycarbonate porthole
Hull Total drag of 135.1 N @ 3.7 m/s calculated by CFD (ANSYS Fluent) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Total drag of 135.1 N @ 3.7 m/s calculated by CFD (ANSYS Fluent)
Hull Fabrication using wet-layup Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Fabrication using wet-layup Doors and opening cut directly on the hull foam core for a perfect fit Female mould used for best surface finish possible on the outside
Propulsion Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Pilot power transmitted through bicycle cranks for a mechanical efficiency of about 98% Computer controlled propeller variable pitch 2.5:1 ratio miter gear transfers power directly to the propeller shaft (250 RPM propeller angular speed)
Propulsion Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Blade is custom made to maximize push and ensure the mechanical resistance to the lift The performances were analyzed using Matlab and Fluent Efficiency and thrust for different speed @ 250 RPM Speed(m/s) Thrust (N) Efficiency 0.5 316 42.5 % 1.0 332 65.5 % 1.5 342 78.8 % 2.0 286 88.0 % 2.5 240 92.3 % 3.0 205 94.4 % 3.5 177 95.4 % 3.7 168 95.7 %
Propulsion Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Blade pitch is computed by reading submarine speed and propeller angular speed to maintain optimal blade attack angle A submersible linear actuator adjust the blade angle
Controls Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Electronic stability is assured by the computer for straightaway runs Manual controls permits the athlete to maneuver around obstacles or change trajectory
Controls Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Electronic stability has been developed under Mathworks Simulink dynamic model simulation.
Controls Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Manual controls moves the fin using push pull cables while giving support to the athlete LCD Screen gives feedback of submarine speed and crank RPM to the athlete
Life support system and safety Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design 40 cubic foot aluminum air tank provides needed oxygen for the driver A pop-up buoy is released upon via the activation of the deadman system situated on the mechanical controls Safety indications are placed on the submarine accordingly to ISR and HPS regulations
Life support system and safety Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Door is attached to the submarine assuring the safety of the divers and buoyancy of the submarine Marine stroboscope are placed on the top of the vessel for maximum visibility 360 degree view porthole guarantee constant view of the pilot’s head
Life support system and safety Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design The pilot has easy access to mechanical release of the door
Testing and training Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Submerged testbed for pilot force and power acquisition Pool tests for competition practice, concept validation and fine tuning
Testing and training Pilot training : 7 months : Bicycle Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Pilot training : 7 months : Bicycle 2 times a week : 1min-4rest for 45 @ maximum power 20 min @ maximum cardio 1 time a week : 60 min @ maximum cardio 2 months : Running 1 time a week : 40 min @ maximum speed 1 time a week : 80 min @ normal speed
Journal and budget Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Total budget of 25 290 $ (Cash and material sponsorships) for SMASH and 44 000$ for Kruser53 Logbook kept by each member of the team to provide continuous information on the advancements Complete design report (in French) written up to stringent academic requirements
Future design (Goals) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design The Kruser53 team has set upon them to set a new world record of speed in the 1 man non-propeller category in 2013. As well, the team has take the lead after the SMASH project to prepare and take it to competition here. The experience acquired in pool test and here will have major influence for the next submarine
Future design (Hull) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design The SMASH mould will be reused to make the new hull. It has a lower volume than Omer6 and an hydrodynamic shape This choice gives us a good sizing constraint for the other systems and therefore save us precious design time We are certain that the pilots are comfortable Fabrication time and money for the mould is saved
Future design (Hull) Carbon fiber sandwich construction is used Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Carbon fiber sandwich construction is used It permits a smooth surface without the use of Gelcoat The stiffness being higher, less energy is dissipated into heat Carbon fiber is sponsored by Oxeon Textreme
Future design (Propulsion) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design 3 concepts have been analyzed seriously to approximate attainable efficiency A belt system with one way flaps also have been studied
Future design (Propulsion) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design Oscillating wings system have been chosen. This system uses the same propulsive physics as a standard propeller known to be efficient Software simulation was developed using basic mechanical and fluid dynamics to predict an efficiency of 80%.
Future design (Propulsion) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design A mechanical system is being developed to change the direction of the wings at the travel ends It represents a 20% efficiency advantage over using only the wings lift to turn themselves
Future design (Propulsion) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design The wing angle is controlled in real time to optimize acceleration The adjustment is made using pedal RPM sensor and submarine speed sensor
Future design (Controls) Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design An electronic drive-by-wire system have been preferred Two hall effect joystick will permit control of the four direction fins actuated by servos The servos are encapsulated in an watertight gearbox
Future design Team Overview and goals Design philosophy Design and fabrication Hull Propulsion Controls Life support system Safety Testing and training Journal and budget Future Design