Photo Imaging Activity Ms. Whiteside 2013
FUN! Students will work with others to create a short movie using still photography, modeling clay, and movie making software.
Modeling clay or Playdo – one color Construction paper for simple background Point and shoot camera/uploading cord Windows Microsoft Movie Maker or iMovie Jump Drive Downloaded copyright free music
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1. Gather all necessary supplies and sit with your partner at a computer. 2. Decide which of the following you will create to be the actor in your movie and form it: Animal, robot, space creature, person Example: movable dog walking, someone dancing, robot walking… 3. Use a digital camera to snap a picture of the clay figure, then move it. Do this times to complete the figure’s action. Macro Setting.
4. Upload the pictures onto Windows Microsoft Movie Maker. Experiment with the timing that meets your preference, but 3 seconds for each slide is a good place to start. 5. Add one song throughout the movie from the available websites provided. 6. Don’t forget a title slide and movie credits slide!! BE CREATIVE! HAVE FUN! *Movie content needs to be school appropriate or it will not be considered for a daily assignment grade.
____/10 points = slides ____/5 points = music and transitions ____/10 points = full participation w/partner ____/5 points = movie completed ____/30 Daily Assignment Points