Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 Critical Assessment of available Radar Precipitation Estimation techniques and Development of Innovative.


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Presentation transcript:

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 Critical Assessment of available Radar Precipitation Estimation techniques and Development of Innovative approaches for Environmental Management

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 Founded in 1995 Main Tasks Environmental monitoring Control of pollutants in : air, ground and water Technical support to National Health Service Weather forecasts and supporting during critical episodes

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 Emilia Romagna Region AUSL (National Health Service) USERS ANPA (National Environmental Agency) European Environmental Agency Local Governments

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 ARPA - Servizio Meteorologico Regionale Starting its activity in 1985 as an Office of ERSA (Regional Institute for Agricultural Development), since the beginning SMR focused on: - Local scale (mesoscale  ) - Short range weather forecasts - Support to agriculture Start of Numerical Weather Prediction (LAMBO) ‘90 - Implementation of C-Band Dual Polarisation Doppler Radar Middle of ‘90 - Increase and development of user support activity - Operational assistance to Civil Protection Departments Moving to ARPA (Regional Agency for Protection and Environment)

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002

WP 1 - Project Management Objective: To provide the necessary management throughout the project, to safeguard the objectives of the study, and optimise the co-operation between the participants. Activities: The coordinator shall be the intermediary between partners and the Commission. He is responsible for transmitting to the Commission all documents. The coordinator shall transfer to the partners the funds paid by the Commission. (Annex II)

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 WP 2 - Extraction of information from Doppler winds Dual/Multiple Doppler Extraction of profile information from Clear Air data

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002

WP 5 - ASSESSMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS IN NWP Developing and testing of a Very Short Range Forecasting system (VSRF) Developing and testing of a Very Short Range Forecasting system (VSRF) Severe weather case study Severe weather case study Use of Satellite data () Use of Satellite data ( Partner 8 - CNR ISAC )

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002. Developed at FSL/NOAA - Forecasting System Laboratory.Mesoscale analysis system.Exploitation of standard data (Synop, Metar, Temp).Surface data (local mesoscale network).Exploitation of unconventional data (Radar Z & V, Satellite, Profiler, aircraft report).Use of LAM products as “background” Local Analisys and Prediction System

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 Albers, S.C,. 1995: The LAPS wind analysis. Wea.Forecasting, 10,

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/ :04 UTC 1.4° 4.1° 9.6° 1.4°

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 Re-mapping of radial wind radar data onto LAPS grid

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 Purpose: Updating forecasts for operational use Solution: Developing of a continuous assimilation system. Full exploitation of different types of available data Technical Implementation: Use of LAPS coupled with the actual LAM used (LAMBO). Future: Operational test with forecast updating every 6 hours. Use of non-hydrostatic model (LM).

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 LAMBO 32  lev. Hourly data & BC ECMWF T0-Sup 32  DATA INPUT BC Sup 21P LAPS LAMBO HR T1-Sup 32  Sup 21P LAPS LAMBO HR BC T6-Sup 32  Sup 21P LAPS LAMBO HR BC +6/+18 Operational Chain

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002

Severe weather case study Severe weather case study – ARPA-SMR together with CNR-ISAC –Identification of severe weather cases. Analysis of cases identified. Studies of the impact of the remote sensing data on the analysed fields. Test on MAP dataset. Work done - Ingest Routine Work in progress - use of LAPS on all IOPs to test the effect of different data (Mesonet, Profilers, dropsonde …)

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/ / UTC LAMBO +28LL3 +04 IR 1530 utc Scattered convection over Emilia Romagna and Veneto

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002 WP 10 - Optimal use of radar, NWP and raingauge data in precipitation forecasts for improving flood forecasts in urban and rural catchments Objectives : To develop a robust methodology for the incorporating gauges and radar rainfall estimates in NWP forecasts in order to improve flood predictions in urban catchments.

Kickoff meeting - Herrsching (DE) 28-29/1/2002