2005 Paul VanRaden Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD, USA Selection for Fertility in Dairy Cattle
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (2) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Factors Affecting Fertility Environment and management Season, region, herd, age, milk yield Estrus detection and / or synchronization Voluntary waiting period Fertility of bull (ERCR in USA) Genes of cow (Dau. Pregnancy Rate) Interaction of bull’s and cow’s genes Inbreeding, recessives (CVM, DUMPS)
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (3) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Fertility Does Not Show Paul VanRaden, 1974
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (4) P.M. VanRaden 2005 For Fertility, You Need Data Paul VanRaden, 1995
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (5) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Problem: Cows Are Less Fertile USA Holsteins th 4 th 3 rd 2 nd 1 st Lactation
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (6) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Coefficients of Variation (CV) Standard deviation divided by mean Trait Herit- ability CV (%) Pheno- typic Genetic Stature Protein yield Longevity Fertility
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (7) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Pregnancy Rate The percentage of nonpregnant cows that become pregnant during each 21- day time period Pregnancy rate < conception rate Cows that are not cycling Estrus not expressed or detected Typical pregnancy rates 20% if calving interval is 14.3 months 25% if calving interval is 13.6 months
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (8) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Pregnancy Rate and Days Open Number of Chances Pregnancy Rate Days Open
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (9) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Breeding date:BSWHOL Verified by next calving date 5457 Disagrees with calving date 8 5 Breeding date but no next calf 1519 No breeding reported, only next calf 9 6 Cow sold for infertility 5 5 No information for fertility 9 8 Sources of Fertility Data Percentages from records
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (10) P.M. VanRaden 2005 ≤ 50 ≥ 250 Distribution of Days Open Holstein Calvings Cows culled for reproductive reasons
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (11) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Seasonal Effects on Fertility Holsteins calving since 1997 in each USA region
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (12) P.M. VanRaden 2005 USA Fertility Evaluation Holstein data in evaluation 44 million lactation records since million cows Lactations 1-5 are included Reliability for recently proven bulls 59% REL for Daughter Pregnancy Rate 61% REL for Productive Life 69% REL for Somatic Cell Score 85% REL for Milk Yield
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (13) P.M. VanRaden 2005 USA Evaluation Methods Animal model, introduced Feb 2003 Same programs as yield, PL, SCS Compare cows within herd, season, and age Convert days open to pregnancy rate = (233 – DO) / 4 Parameter estimates used: Heritability = 4% Repeatability = 11% Sire-by-herd interaction = 4%
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (14) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Recent USA Changes November 2003 and November 2004 Earlier evaluation of cow fertility Records in progress used at 130 instead of 250 days in milk Pregnancy exams used in prediction 6% gain in REL of DPR for new bulls Fertility used to predict longevity 4% gain in REL of PL for recent bulls
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (15) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Selection for Longevity Productive Life introduced in USA in 1994 to select for longevity Genetic correlations with other traits: Daughter pregnancy rate =.59 Somatic cell score = -.35 Udder composite =.30 Daughter calving ease = -.24
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (16) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Holstein Pregnancy Rate - Phenotypic and Genetic Trend
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (17) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Value of Cow Fertility Fertility expenses per day open Heat detection ($20 / lact .005)= $.10 Semen ($15 / unit + $5 labor) *.025= $.50 Pregnancy exam ($10 / exam)*.012= $.12 Lactations too long or short= $.75 Value of DPR as % of total economic value 7% in Net Merit since August % in TPI since February 2005, also -2% for dairy form in TPI since February 2005
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (18) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Response to NM$ Selection Percent of single trait response Trait NM$ 2000 NM$ 2003 Trait NM$ 2000 NM$ 2003 Protein8174Udder1922 Fat6867Feet / leg1716 Milk6858Size-10 Longevity5158Calving Ease1323 SCS3538Dau. C.Ease1121 Fertility015
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (19) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Heritability and Correlations Among Cow Fertility Traits TraitDOD1stNR70NS Days Open Days 1 st service Non-return rate Number of Services.02 Heritability on diagonal, USA data
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (20) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Cow Fertility Traits Evaluated in Largest Holstein Populations Trait CountryUSADEUFRANZLNLDCANGBR Ability to cycleYes Ability to conceiveYes Combined traitYes Emphasis7%2%13%10% 5%
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (21) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Genetic Correlations of Traits Mark, 2003 EAAP meeting Trait Coun- tries Average corr. Corr(ITA, USA) Protein Stature Fore Udder Somatic Cell Longevity Direct Calving Maternal Calving
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (22) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Days Open Genetic Correlations Jorjani, 2005 Interbull Bulletin DFSESPGBRIRLNLDNZLUSA DFS ESP GBR IRL NLD NZL USA DFS = Denmark-Finland-Sweden
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (23) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Conception Rate Genetic Correlations Jorjani, 2005 Interbull Bulletin CANDEUDFSFRAISRNLD CAN DEU DFS FRA ISR NLD DFS = Denmark-Finland-Sweden
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (24) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Cow Fertility of Famous Bulls August 2005 USA data DaughtersPTA ITAUSAPLDPR Mtoto Tugolo Raven Juror Rudolph Goodtime
Italian Dairy Show 2005 (25) P.M. VanRaden 2005 Conclusions Fertility traits are less heritable but more variable than yield and type Selection for high yield reduces fertility Selection for longevity increases fertility Cow fertility traits receive 2% to 13% of total selection in many countries Bulls that sire good fertility are available