A New Neural Framework for Visuospatial Processing Amanda Ayoub Alyssa Nolde Kimberly Villalva Baoyu Wang
Ventral Pathway “what” pathway object vision Dorsal Pathway “where” pathway in the early theory spatial vision automatic and unconscious visual guided actions Striate cortex Anterior temporal target (TE) Occipitopari etal cortex Occipitotem poral cortex Posterior half of inferior parietal lobule (PG) VLPFC DLPFC Ventral processing stream: “What” path Dorsal processing stream: ”Where” path The Ventral and Dorsal Pathways
Occipitotemporal cortex Connection between the occipital and temporal lobe The ventral stream courses through this cortex to the anterior temporal area Occipitoparietal cortex Connection between the occipital and parietal lobe This is where the dorsal stream courses to the posterior half of the inferior parietal lobe Occipitotemporal and Occipitoparietal Cortex
The Three Components Porposed by Mishkin et. al Parieto- prefrontal top down control of eye movement spatial working memory Parieto- premotor visually guided actions such as reaching and grasping Parieto-medial temporal spatial navigation Three Components
Figure 1
V1 V2, V3, V3A V2, V3, V4 V6A LIP V6 MT IPL MST VIP MIP pos sts ips