Posterior Fracture Fracture Dislocation Dislocation Dr H.Saeed M.D. TUMS congress March 2010 Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
anatomical and functional locus of finger function Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
3dLigament-box complex 3d Ligament-box complex Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Type I hyperextention Type II dorsal dislocation Type III fracture-dislocation
Type I Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Type II Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Type III Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Type III stable unstable Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Type III stable Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Type III unstable Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Active stability Passive stability Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
no more than one week immobilization Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
no more than 2-3 weeks immobilization Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Extension block splinting Extension block pining Dynamic skeletal traction Open reduction and internal fixation Hemihamate autograft Volar plate arthroplasty Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
Redisplacement Angulation Flexion contracture DIP stiffness Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
PIP flexion contracture Posterior fx-dx of hand PIP joint, Dr H.Saeed M.D.,Tehran POTA congress 2010
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