a little something for doing the RIGHT thing!
Get noticed! Be positive! Gain popularity! Earn rewards! Get praised! Motivate others! Win prizes!
Don’t strain your brain thinking too hard. Instead just collect Panther Points for appropriate behavior.
Panther Points are your ticket to great weekly prizes and a chance to win a field trip!
Following the dress code Being on time to class Following the electronics policy Appropriate behavior Follow ALL student guidelines!
You can receive Panther Points in the hallways, cafeteria, or any commons area on campus. Teachers and staff will give out Panther Points when they feel a student has proven themselves worthy.
Write your name and grade on the Panther Point - in ink! Take it to front office (during passing periods or at lunch) Place the PP in the Panther Point box 10 are drawn every week for prizes Earn more Panther Points!
The possibilities are endless! Field Trips Lunch Off Campus Neat Prizes “Caught Being Good” Note Sent Home And SO much more!