CJ 100 UNIT #3 “If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise” – Robert Fritz
Unit #3 Read Chapter 2 Discussions (2) – 1. SMART goals – 2. KU program outcomes and your career Seminar – SMART goals Quiz
QUESTION: How do you go about formulating goals in your life?
Goal Setting Identify what is important in your life Set the goal; NOT the steps yet! – Figuring out the steps comes after setting the goal – Set the goal first, then the ideal path
Why set goals? Studies have shown that people who set goals for themselves are more likely to: Suffer less stress and anxiety Concentrate and remember better Demonstrate greater self-confidence Perform better and achieve more Be happier and more satisfied
SMART Goals S pecific M easurable A ttainable R ealistic T imely
(S) Specific – Each goal should be a detailed statement of your desired result. Exactly what is it you wish to accomplish? It is difficult to determine action steps for vague goals and even harder to recognize when then have been achieved. – Ex: Get healthier – Better: Work out 3 mornings a week with weights, do cardio 3 nights a week
(M) Measurable – Identify the means by which you will achieve each goal. How will you know when you have reached it? There are two types of goals - performance goals and outcome goals.
(A) Action Oriented Describe your goals using action verbs. What will you do (step by step) to reach your goal? Is your goal attainable?
(R) Realistic Choose goals that are possible and achievable. Who do you know who has achieved goals similar to yours? Goals set too high will discourage you while goals set too low won't challenge and motivate you.
(T) Timed Determine deadlines for each of your goals. Deadlines can be flexible and adjusted as needed but deadlines that specify time limits help keep you focused and moving.
SMART Goals Attainable and Realistic – What is important to you – Don’t limit yourself, but don’t set yourself up for frustration – Seek advice
SMART Goals Timely – Set a time frame – Ex. I will attain my bachelor’s degree by June 30 th, 20XX
QUESTION: What are some common misperceptions about the law enforcement field?
Misperceptions Non-stop action Excitement daily Frequent use of firearms High speed chases Scientific capabilities
QUESTION: Based upon these misperceptions, what realities would you tell a potential policing applicant about so they have a good understanding of some challenges in the field?
Realities Hours of work Stress and dangers Salaries On and off-duty behavior Realities of daily tasks
Dangers Stress – Suicide, alcoholism, depression, etc. Injury, death Communicable diseases Hazards
QUESTION: What are some considerations a person should take into account in determining which law enforcement agency to apply to (locals, states, federal)?
Which Agency? Urban Suburban Rural State, county, local Federal Tribal
Which Agency? Federal – Small part of large system – Reassignment nationwide – Higher pay – Age restrictions
Which Agency? Local – Impacts are easy to see – No move required – Lower pay – More flexible requirements (age, etc.) – Fewer advancement opportunities – More jobs available (50% of all LE jobs)
Employment Requirements Age: 21 or Older Citizenship Physical fitness Education Hiring Process Training (Academy)
Other LE Professions Juvenile Officer Crime Scene Investigator Sky Marshal Humane Law Enforcement Officer (Animals)
Civilian Positions Dispatch (Telecommunicator) Victim Advocate Animal Control Emergency Management Desk Officers Crime Analyst Crime Lab
QUESTION: What types of factors would exclude an applicant from becoming a police officer?
Disqualifiers Statutory Bars Character concerns – Crimes – Drug usage – Credit check – Online profile
Unit #4 (Next Week) We’ll be discussing your specialized career path Discussions – Your attribute – Need for specialization 2-3 page paper on your potential specialization area, why, & how to get there Quiz
Questions? Stay on task in the class and up to date on assignments (take each week one by one) Unit 2 Assignment turned in?