Endurance, strength, and flexibility By: Natalie Phillips
WHAT IS ENDURANCE? The ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions NOUN!
Flexibility – capable of being bent, usually without breaking; easily bent Strength – the quality of being strong; bodily or muscular power
being strong and flexible keeps you young and healthy literally, if you stay flexible and strong as a child you are more likely to be able to do things easier when you are an old person such as bending down to grab things. It is important to endure pain because it makes you stronger and more flexible like when you hold a stretch just a little longer, or just keeper running a little longer.
Sit & reachThe butterfly The straddle
Mentally/emotionally Staying fit keeps your mind clear, which makes it easier to learn Socially – People will like to hang out with you because you look nice and you are not lazy Physically – Your body will feel great and you will be able to participate in numerous fun activities Health triangle
PERSONAL STORY Staying strong and flexable is a big importance in my life. I love to tumble and cheer which helps me to endure, stay strong, and keep my flexibility.
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