1 Professor Jennifer M. Cooper
The standard TWEN page Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper 2 FROM DRAB
Improved & Enhanced Writing Lab TWEN pageWriting Lab TWEN 3 TO FAB Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
EASY WAYS TO ENGAGE & DIRECT YOUR STUDENTS 1.Add Content Modules 2.Edit Content Modules 3.Add In-text Hyperlinks in Content Modules 4.Embed Video into Content Modules 5.Mobile TWEN – put your classroom into their pockets 4 Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
5 INTRO TO CONTENT MODULES Add more modules for text, documents, pictures & videos Edit individual modules Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
6 ADD CONTENT MODULES Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
7 NEW CONTENT MODULE ADDED! Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
8 EDIT CONTENT MODULES Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
9 LEARN YOUR TOOLBAR Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper Hyperlink Tool Format Text
10 ADD IN-TEXT HYPERLINKS Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper Select text in textbox, click Hyperlink Tool in toolbar, copy or type in url, click OK
Yes, you can add video to TWEN! 11 EMBED VIDEOS INTO CONTENT MODULE Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
12 COPY EMBED CODE, PASTE INTO TWEN Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper Click “Share” button, then “Embed” button, copy embed code
13 PASTE EMBED CODE INTO HYPERLINK TOOL Click hyperlink tool on toolbar, paste embed code. DO NOT type anything in “Title” box. Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
Put your class TWEN page in your students’ pockets 14 MOBILE CLASSROOM Must type: m.lawschool.westlaw.com Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper
15 YOUR TWEN PAGE CONTENTS Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper Document pages will show under “Materials” – like “Syllabus,” “Assignments,” etc. Can also add video to Documents page as links.
CONTACT: Jennifer M. Cooper Associate Director, Academic Success Thomas Jefferson School of Law 1155 Island Ave San Diego CA Pimp Your TWEN, Presented by Jennifer M. Cooper