Self Directed Support Personalisation for Providers
“Personalisation means thinking about public services and social care in an entirely different way – starting with the person rather than the service. It will require the transformation of adult social care” Julie Jones, Chief Executive, SCIE What is Personalisation?
What is personalisation? “ Personalisation is what we’ve been doing for a long time. It’s about: Helping people reach their goals. Using people’s strengths Including their family and friends Being flexible. ” Norman Dunning, Chief Executive, ENABLE Scotland
Thinking about outcomes “The final product or end result The consequence of doing something Something that follows from an action” InputsProcessOutputOutcomes
Sorting outcomes What is that about? Or So What?
Its about: Working together with people truly at the centre (coproduction) Identifying skills, talents and abilities and looking for opportunities to share these Understanding people in the context of their whole lives Outcome Based Support Planning
What’s in it? What you want to change and achieve The things that are important to you and give your live purpose and meaning The things that are important for you to be stay as healthy and safe as you can be The support you need to live the life of your choosing Outcome Based Support Planning
Coproduction “Support that is designed and delivered in equal partnership between people and professionals’ Self Directed Support: A National Strategy for Scotland
Co-production “It is about involving people not only in the rowing and the steering of the boat, but also in actually building it.” - Mr Sandy Watson OBE DL, Chairman NHS Tayside
Live life and checking in to see how it’s going Regularly checking in to explore what’s working and what needs to change Monitoring and recording progress
What people are telling us that they want (Outcomes) Friendships and relationships To work/use their skills and talents To have things to do To have the chance to do the same things as everyone else
First Choice When my social worker first introduced the idea of choice, I couldn’t think clearly. However, she spent a lot of time with me and helped me work out what I really want. How are you going to ensure that the people you support are in a position to understand personalisation and make informed choices about how they want to be supported to live their lives? What are the existing opportunities to build understanding of your employees?
What About Us? How are you going to ensure that people who have complex needs or who don’t use verbal communication, are supported to identify meaningful outcomes and maximise the control in their lives?
What’s in it for me? As staff, if we are expected to implement this huge change, we must be really clear of the benefits – both for ourselves and for our “customers”. The success of implementing Personalisation in your organisation will require the full support of the frontline staff? What are the benefit’s for us as practitioners and for the people we support?
Measuring Success As performance managers, we are used to government-led performance targets. It was easier to count how many people we were helping than it now is to measure what difference we are making to their lives! What are the methods we can use to show how much progress people are making towards achieving their outcomes? How do we show the positive impact that the support we offer is making in people’s lives?
Made to Measure SDS means I can make arrangements that really work for me. I have a very creative support package which includes an alarm system and recognises the role of my family and friends. My next door neighbour helps me too! People are now able to use their budget in a really innovative way to get support arrangements that suit them. Moving away from ‘service land’ solutions, how can people use their budgets and what are the benefits of e.g. assistive technology?
Co-Produce, Co-Develop, Co- Evaluate, Co-Everything! Are the people we support involved at every stage or do we, as managers, “consult” them when our ideas are well formulated? How are you involving the people you support in all aspects of your organisation from recruitment / Staff training to development of policies and procedures? How do you ensure that people’s views are expressed and implemented?