Why would you want to embed video & audio into the Discussion forum on a wiki?
How to embed video & audio into a Discussion forum 1.Create a new page
2.Find the video you wish to embed 3.Hold your cursor over the video & sharing options appear
4.Click on the embed symbol 5.Click on Copy 6.Return to your wiki, click on EDIT & click on the EMBED WIDGET Tool
7.Click on VIDEO8.Click on the appropriate type of video. If you don’t know, then click on OTHER VIDEO 9.Paste the code you saved into the box - sample below & click SAVE
10.Your widget comes up looking like the image below. If you clicked SAVE now it would be come a viewable video. However, we need to find the wiki code to put into our discussion forum 11.Click on the tiny arrow beside the SAVE button 12.In the dropdown box Click on WIKITEXT EDITOR
13.This what we have been working towards – getting this tiny piece of code! Highlight & copy the code. 14.You can now save this page. I save it in case something happens and I need the code again. As there is no link to this page, if you ever need to find it again, remember what you call it and search for it in Pages and Files
15.Open up your Discussion forum and click on NEW POST 16.Give your post a title and then click in the body of the message and paste your code. This will mean it will be at the top of your message with your instructions to students below it 17.Click in the Monitor this topic box so you are ed every time a student makes a comment. 18.Click POST
16.Your posting will appear at the top of the other postings. 17.Click on the Subject to view your posting