Complete Branding with Video Kit Part2 Everything you need included (does not include items you already have)
Part 1 recap – Consistency is the Key Be willing to invest 2 hours a week on your business Health Start Out Easy – Make videos of stuff you know about Step by step creating a script How to record with your cell phone Step by step how to get your recording to YouTube Step by step how to edit out mistakes
Today we are going to cover – ing your video to your database Use Social Media to Expose your brand How your consistency will increase your Google Search results Step by step timing to Implement this strategy in 2 hours
ing your video to your data base Go to your Video manager
Make a Jing image of the “preview” with the play button SAVE the Jing (I name it the same as the video topic and put them in a folder called Quick Hits)
Create your – If you have a system great If not use Gmail Create a Group or List (remember start easy, make videos that make sense for both clients and partners) Send a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) to your list
Use parts of your script for your Hello Friends, This weeks Update for Home Buyers is all about the New FHA rules. Watch the short video to see how it helps you.
Insert the Jing image you made
Do a PS with the link to the video (some people will not have HTML , make it easy to get to it) P.S. If the above link does not work please copy and paste the link below.
Short and sweet subject line Enough to want to open it, not so much they don’t need to (see ing with Purpose”) FHA rule change today
Click in recipient area/ select Bcc
Now get it posted to your Social Media Profiles (yes personal and business) The Same URL address from YouTube will allow people to watch your video right in Facebook
Post it to your business page, then share it to your personal page
Share your video with your Linked In connection
Search Engine Optimization will get stronger and stronger as you do more video, ALL with the SEO for YouTube (see YouTube SEO) The more content that answers the questions searchers are asking Google, the more Google will see you as an authority Do skip on the SEO part of your videos
To get this strategy done in 2 hours – Set up the things you know you will need to make it happen Someone to record you (phone clamp and tri –pod $3.00) Logged Into Google/YouTube List is uploaded to Gmail/Your System Know your topic before you begin Assign a max time for each piece (this is where not be so nit picky on the recording is important)
Scripting = 30 minutes Your intro stays the same Deliver content clearly, but as short as possible Action step supports content (not always business) Closing and Brand promise always the same Spend 10 to 15 minutes writing the script, then the other 15 to 20 minutes practicing it (practice makes perfect)
Recording = 30 minutes That gives you time to take the shade off the lamp Set the camera up Read through your script This allows for a lot of mistakes Share the video to YouTube This may not take the full 30 minutes (spend any additional time SEOing the video)
Edit your Video = 30 minutes Use the built in YouTube editor Cut out your mistakes (your clean read through will be the last part of your uploaded video, find the beginning of that and remove the rest) Create New video SEO your video This wont take 30 minutes either
Send out and Promote your video = 30 minutes Make a jing of your video Use your script to write the Insert/Embed your image Link your image Post to your Business page Share to your Personal Page Post to Linked In This wont take 30 minutes either.