Feature Engineering Studio October 14, 2013
Iterative Feature Refinement
Who here Used the Excel Equation Solver Did not use the Excel Equation Solver
Excel Equation Solver Users Sort yourself by the town you were born in (in Roman letters)
Excel Equation Solver Users Pick one feature What feature did you improve? What parameter did you adjust? What was the original and final value? How big an improvement did you obtain? Did this process change the meaning of the feature?
Everyone Else Sort yourself by the town you were born in (in Roman letters)
Everyone Else Pick one feature What feature did you improve? What parameter did you adjust? What values did you try? How big an improvement did you obtain? Did this process change the meaning of the feature?
Comments? Questions? Thoughts?
Question Is the excel equation solver likely to change the meaning of the feature more than hand processes?
Question Is it a good thing or a bad thing, when your feature changes meaning due to refinement?
Feature Parameter Space I need a volunteer who had a final best feature that was quite different from their original feature
One interesting exercise I need a volunteer who had a final best feature that was quite different from their original feature Please bring up your laptop or a flash drive with your data set
Making… A line graph X axis – parameter value Y axis – model goodness
Another volunteer? Would anyone else like to look at their feature this way? Multiple volunteers are welcome
What does it mean?
Questions? Comments? Thoughts?
Assignment 6 Feature Adaptation “This One’s For Nikolai Ivonavich Lobachevsky”
Nikolai Ivonovich Lobachevsky (by Tom Lehrer) “I will never forget the day I first met the great Lobachevsky. In one word he told me the secret of success in mathematics:”
Nikolai Ivonovich Lobachevsky (by Tom Lehrer) “I will never forget the day I first met the great Lobachevsky. In one word he told me the secret of success in mathematics: Plagiarize!”
Nikolai Ivonovich Lobachevsky (by Tom Lehrer) “I will never forget the day I first met the great Lobachevsky. In one word he told me the secret of success in mathematics: Plagiarize!” “Only be sure to always call it – please – research.”
To be clear… Plagiarism: bad
To be clear… Plagiarism: bad Borrowing ideas (and citing them): good
To be clear… Plagiarism: bad Borrowing ideas (and citing them): good We all clear?
Assignment 6 You need to find a previous paper that uses one or more features that can be potentially translated to your current analysis Find the paper Try at least one feature in your own data set
Assignment 6 You need to create a 5-minute presentation – Time yourself to make sure it only runs 5 minutes – To be presented in class next Monday
Assignment 6 This presentation should discuss – The paper you drew inspiration from – Give a full citation and show us pictures of as many authors as you can find – The construct being predicted in this paper – The context/data set in this paper – The feature you decided to adapt – The feature you ended up creating – Differences between the original paper’s feature and your feature – The goodness of your feature in your data set
What if you can’t find a paper?
You can find a paper
What if you can’t find a paper? You can find a paper Try google scholar
What if you can’t find a paper? You can find a paper Try google scholar me – but only after you have spent at least 2 hours searching the web
Questions? Comments?
Upcoming Classes 10/16 No special session today 10/21 Feature Adaptation – Assignment 6 due 10/23 Special Session on Building Prediction Models
Upcoming Classes 10/28 Feature Reuse 10/30 No special session today
Thank you!