The “ ” Paige in Kalman Filtering K. E. Schubert
Kalman’s Interest State Space (Matrix Representation) Discrete Time (difference equations) Optimal Control Starting at x 0 Go to x G Minimize or maximize some quantity (time, energy, etc.)
Why Filtering? State (x i ) is not directly known Must observe through minimum measurements Observer Equation Want to reconstruct the state vector
Random Variables Process and observation noise Independent, white Gaussian noise y=ax+b
Complete Problem Control and estimation are independent Concerned only with observer Obtain estimate:
Predictor-Corrector Measurements Predict (Time Update) Correct (Measurement Update)
To Err Is Kalman! How accurate is the estimate? What is its distribution?
Predictor-Corrector Measurements Predict (Time Update) Correct (Measurement Update)
Predict No random variable You don’t know it Eigenvalues must be <1 (For convergence) Distribution does effect error covariance
Correct Kalman Gain Innovations (What’s New) Oblique Projection
System 1 (Basic Example) X 2, Companion Form Nice but not perfect numerics and stability
System 1
System 1 (Again) X 2, Companion Form Nice but not perfect numerics and stability
System 1
System 2 (Stiffness) X 2, Large Eigenvalue Spread Condition number around 10 9 Large sampling time (big steps)
System 2
Trouble in Paradise Inversion in the Kalman gain is slow and generally not stable A is usually in companion form numerically unstable (Laub) Covariance are symmetric positive definite Calculation cause P to become unsymmetric then lose positivity
Square Root Filters Kailath suggested propegating the square root rather than the whole covariance Not really square root, actually Choleski Factor r T r=R Use on R w, R v, P
Our Square Roots
State Error
Measurement Equation
Measurement Update Then, by definition
Updating for Free?
Error Part 2
Time Updating
Paige’s Filter
System 3 (Fun Problem) X 20, Known difficult matrix that was scaled to be stable
System 3
Conclusions Called Paige’s filter but really Paige and Saunders developed O(n 3 ) and about 60% faster than regular square root Current interests: faster, special structures, robustness