Regression Lesson 11
The General Linear Model n Relationship b/n predictor & outcome variables form straight line l Correlation, regression, t-tests, analysis of variance l Other more complex models ~
Describing Lines n All lines defined by simple equation l Relationship b/n X and Y l Only 2 points required n Slope (or gradient) l Amount Y changes, when X increases by 1 n Intercept l Value of Y when X = 0 ~
Describing Lines = 2 Y X = 1 Intercept: Slope: If X = 2, then Y =4
Regression n Correlation l Measures strength of relationship n Regression l Predict value of variable l Predictor (X) outcome (Y) n Data from correlational studies l PASW uses independent & dependent variables l Even though NOT experimental ~
Regression Model n Linear model l outcome i = model + error n Regression line l Best-fit straight line describing relationship between X and Y l Method of least squares n Regression equation l Defines regression line ~
Regression Coefficients n Give slope & intercept of regression line n b 1 (or b) l Slope (or gradient) l Amount Y changes, when X by 1 n b 0 (or a) l Intercept l Value of Y when X = 0 i = residual or error Theoretical, not used in calculation ~
Regression Model outcome i = model + error or
Describing Lines b 0 = 2 Y X b 1 = 1 Intercept: Slope: If X = 2, then Y =4
Method of Least Squares Residuals ( i ) l Like deviation score l Error between predicted score & actual score n Best fit line l Minimizes residuals ~
Assessing Fit of Model n Model = regression line nR2nR2 l Coefficient of determination l Square root = Pearson’s r l n Goodness of Fit l R 2 x 100 = % variance explained by regression line l Higher % better fit ~
Regression & ANOVA n ANOVA = analysis of variance l Statistical test: F test l Compares systematic (MS M ) and unsystematic variance (MS R ) l l In regression l
F test n Ratio of variances l MS M = Variance explained by model u Systematic variance l MS R = residual variance (error) u Unsystematic variance n If model predicts well, then l MS M >> MS R l F >> 1 l Regression model better predictor of Y than the mean ~
Regression Equation & Prediction n My yearly YMCA costs l Y = my total annual cost l X = # premium classes taken u Each pilates or tae kwan do class n Annual fee: $500 l Intercept (b 0 ) n Extra $10 for each l Slope (b 1 ) ~
Simple Regression in PASW n Data entry l 1 column per variable, like correlation n Menus l Analyze Regression Linear n Dialog box l Outcome variable Dependent l Predictor variable Independent(s) u Only one for simple regression u do not use options ~
PASW: Regression Dialog Box
PASW Output Not interested in this, not part of analysis
PASW Output
Interpreting Simple Regression n Model summary l R = r (correlation coefficient) l R 2 = % variance explained by model n ANOVA (analysis of variance) l F test l Tests H 0 : model = mean as predictor. l Sig.: <.05 then model is better predictor than mean ~
Interpreting Simple Regression n Coefficients (B) l Constant = b 0 l Predictor = b 1 l Sig.: same info as in ANOVA table ~