Thiokol Started as Jeep Patrol with 10 members in Changed to Mountain Patrol and broaden our scope. Mountain Patrol transitioned to Cascade Count SAR for greater local geographical recognition in 2008.
Current membership demographics. 27 members, 5 probationary members. We have more women or married couples in our Unit than any other SAR Unit in the State. Requirements: 21 years of age preferred, actually allowed at 18. Pass Sheriff’s background check. Have current driver’s license with appropriate liability insurance. Access to a four wheel drive pick-up. Have lived in Cascade County for the previous three years. Must attend 4 of the next 6 general meetings. Will be voted on during the fourth meeting, majority wins.
Training Opportunities CCSAR will offer training in any related SAR activity. Ice rescue (18) Swiftwater rescue (7) High and low angle rescue (10) Managing Land Search Operations (5) Man Tracking (15) CPR and Basic First Aid (All +7 EMTs)
Ice Training / Avalanche Training
Training Opportunities (cont’d) Avalanche training – search and recovery (15) Communications: ground to ground and ground to air. (All) NASAR SAR TECH III (20) Operations of: – 4 wheelers – Snowmobiles – Thiokol (snowcat) – Our three boats + how to drag
What you will Learn? Develop self confidence in your skills and decision making ability. Learn to work as a team. To be more observant. To properly assess risk/reward scenarios. Learn how to lead. Attend NASAR conference.
How to activate CCSAR CCSAR works under the auspices of the County Sheriff. You MUST call dispatch or 911 to get the Sheriff’s approval to have us paged out. Our typical response time, depending on location of the incident is 45 minutes.
Typical Response 6-8 CCSAR members At Least one CC deputy The command trailer, communications Seasonally appropriate transportation Any specialized equipment based on needs of incident
Funding Prior to 2008, we relied solely on donations and fund raising. Average annual budget was $5,000 - $7,000. We sold a lot of steak sandwiches and corn dogs to maintain viability. That all changed in 2008 with the successful passing of our mill levy.
Funding (cont’d) Currently we receive 3/10 th of a mill. Or $0.90 per $100,000 of home value. Valued at approximately $32,000 to $35,000. This is an annual budgetary item. We get roughly 75% in February and the balance in July of each year.
State Funding – Money from FWP licenses, motor vehicles and water craft licenses as well as renewals are placed in a fund exclusively for SAR missions, training and equipment. Last year, statewide, about $180,000 was reimbursed for the purposes listed above. There is roughly $800,000 in the account at this time.
Mission & Training Stats Missions 17 Training Sessions Over 10,000 hrs Agency interface – GFFR – FWP – Rural VFD – DHS – Forest Service – Mercy Flight – Rotor – Malmstrom Air Force Base – GFES Missions 6 Training Sessions