Cryptography Lecture 12 Stefan Dziembowski
Plan 1.Introduction to multiparty cryptographic protocols. 2.Private Information Retrieval
Traditional scenario Alice and Bob are attacked by an adversary.
Multiparty protocols A group of players wants to perform some task together even though they do not trust each other
This is a vast area Examples: voting coin-tossing auctions.... Today’s lecture: Private Information Retrieval
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Observation The owners of databases know a lot about the users! This poses a risk to users’ privacy. E.g. consider database with stock prices… Can we do something about it? Yes, we can: trust them that they will protect our secrecy, or use cryptography! problematic problematic!
How can crypto help? Note: this problem has nothing to do with secure communication! user U database D
Our settings user U database D A new primitive: Private Information Retrieval (PIR) secure link
Plan 1.Definition of PIR 2.An ideal PIR doesn’t exist 3.Construction of a computational PIR 4.Open problems Literature: B. Chor, E. Kushilevitz, O. Goldreich and M. Sudan, Private Information Retrieval, Journal of ACM, 1998 E. Kushilevitz and R. Ostrovsky Replication Is NOT Needed: SINGLE Database, Computationally-Private Information Retrieval, FOCS 1997
Question How to protect privacy of queries? user U database D wants to retrieve some data from D shouldn’t learn what U retrieved
Let’s make things simple! B1B1 B2B2 …BwBw index i = 1,…,w the user should learn B i BiBi ? each B i є {0,1} database B: (he may also learn other B i ’s)
Trivial solution B1B1 B2B2 …BwBw The database simply sends everything to the user!
Non-triviality The previous solution has a drawback: the communication complexity is huge! Therefore we introduce the following requirement: “Non-triviality”: the number of bits communicated between U and D has to be smaller than w.
input: Private Information Retrieval (PIR) B1B1 B2B2 …BwBw input: index i = 1,…,w at the end the user learns B i the database does not learn i the total communication is < w Note: secrecy of the database is not required correctness secrecy (of the user) non-triviality This property needs to be defined more formally! polynomial time randomized interactive algorithms
How to define secrecy of the user [1/2]? iB Def. T(i,B) – transcript of the conversation. query Q(i)reply A(Q(i),B)
multi-round case: it is impossible to distinguish between T(i,B) and T(j,B) even if the adversary is malicious How to define secrecy of the user [2/2]? Secrecy of the user: for every i,j є {0,1} single-round case: it is impossible to distinguish between Q(i) and Q(j) ? What does it mean? For now say: the distribution of Q(i) and Q(j) is the same
PIR doesn’t exists [1/4] We now show that correctness, non-triviality and secrecy cannot be satisfied simultaneously. Def: A transcript T is possible for (i,B) if P(T(i,B) = T) > 0 Take some T’, and look where it is possible: T’ indices i databases B
PIR doesn’t exists [2/4] Observation: secrecy → if T’ is possible for some B and i then it is possible for B and all the other i’s T’ indices i databases B T’
PIR doesn’t exists [3/4] non-triviality → length(transcript) < length(database) ↓ # transcripts < #databases ↓ there has to exist T’ that is possible for two databases B 0 and B 1 T’ databases B ← B 0 ← B1 ← B1 indices i
PIR doesn’t exists [4/4] B 0 and B 1 differ on at least one index i’ So, if i’ is the input of the user then correctness → contradiction T’ databases B ← B 0 ← B1 ← B1 i’ ↓ indices i
So PIR doesn’t exist! How to bypass the impossibility result? Two ideas: –limit the computing power of a cheating database –use a larger number of “independent” databases
Computationally-secure PIR secrecy: For every i,j є {0,1} it is impossible to distinguish efficiently between T(i,B) and T(j,B) ? computational-secrecy: Formally: for every polynomial-time probabilistic algorithm A the value: | P(A(T(i,B)) = 0) – P(A(T(j,B))=0) | should be negligible.
Hardness assumptions? [KO97] – construct PIR based on the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption We describe it on the next slides.
Favourite cryptographers’ group p,q – large random primes (|p|=|q|=2 1024, say) RSA group: Z n *, where n=pq
Chinese remainder theorem Chinese remainder theorem (CRT): For n = pq (where p and q are prime) a function λ: Z* n → Z* p × Z* q defined as λ(i) := (i mod p, i mod q) is an isomorphism.
Example Z15Z15 Z15*Z15* λ(i) := (i mod p, i mod q) Z5*Z5* Z3*Z3*
Def. x is quadratic residue modulo m if there exists a є Z m * such that x = a 2 mod m QR(m) := the set of all quadratic residues modulo m. QNR(m) := Z m * \ QR(n) Observation: every quadratic residue modulo 13 has exactly 2 square roots, and hence |QR(13)| = |Z 13 *| / 2. Z 13 *: QR(13): a a2:a2: Quadratic Residues
A Lemma about QRs modulo prime p Lemma: For every prime p we have QR(p) = (p-1)/2 Remark: Let g be a generator of Z p *. Then QR(p) = {g 0,g 2,g 4,g 6,...,g p-3 }. QNR(p) = {g 1,g 3,g 5,g 7,...,g p-2 }.
QRs modulo pq Observation: every quadratic residue modulo 15 has exactly 4 square roots, and hence |QR(15)| = |Z 15 *| / 4. Z 15 *: QR(15): 14 a a2a2
A Lemma about QRs modulo pq Fact: For n=pq we have |QR(n)| = |Z n *| / 4. Proof: x є QR(n) iff x = a 2 mod n, for some a iff (by CRT) x = a 2 mod p and x = a 2 mod q iff x mod p є QR(p) and x mod q є QR(q) QR(p) QR(q) Zn*:Zn*: mod q mod p QR(n)
Z 15 : Z15*Z15* QRs modulo pq – an example QR(3) QR(5) mod mod mod mod mod mod 3
Homomorphism of QR(pq) Q(n,a) = Homomorphism: for all a,b є Z n * Q(n,ab) = Q(n,a) xor Q(n,b) (exercise) 1 if a є QR(n) 0 otherwise
Algorithmic questions about QR Suppose n=pq Is it easy to test membership in QR(n)? Fact: if one knows p and q – yes! What if one doesn’t know p and q?
Quadratic Residuosity Assumption (QRA) n=pq, where p and q are large primes QR(p) QR(q) Zn*:Zn*: Z n + : all a є Z n *: such that a mod p є QR(p) iff a mod q є QR(q) Quadratic Residuosity Assumption (QRA): For a random a є Z n + it is computationally hard to determine if a є QR(n). Formally: for every polynomial-time probabilistic algorithm G the value: |P(G(a) = Q(a)) – 0.5| (where a is random) is negligible. QNR(q) QNR(p) ? a є Z n + ↓ Note: Z n + is a group! QR(n)
We are ready to construct PIR! Our PIR will work in the group Z n +, where n=pq. What’s so good about this group?: testing membership in Z n + is easy, testing membership in QR(n) is hard for random elements on Z n +, unless one knows p and q. homomorphism of Q!
First (wrong) idea i QR X 1 QR X 2... QR X i-1 NQR X i QR X i+1... QR X w-1 QR X w B1B1 B2B2...B i-1 BiBi B i+1...B w-1 BwBw for every j = 1,...,w the database sets Y j = X j 2 if B j = 0 X j otherwise { QR Y 1 QR Y 2... QR Y i-1 YiYi QR Y i+1... QR Y w-1 QR Y w i↓i↓ Y i is a QR iff B i =0 Set M = Y 1 · Y 2 ·... · Y w M M is a QR iff B i =0 the user checks if M is a QR
Problems! PIR from the previous slide: correctness √ security? To learn i the database would need to distinguish NQR from QR. √ QR X 1 QR X 2... QR X i-1 NQR X i QR X i+1... QR X w-1 QR X w non-triviality? doesn’t hold! communication: user → database: |B| · |Z* n | database → user: |Z* n | Call it: (|B|, 1) - PIR
How to fix it? Idea: Given: construct Suppose that |B| = v 2 and present B as a v×v-matrix: B13B14B15B16 B9B10B11B12B5B6B7B8 B1B2B3B4 consider each row as a separate database
An improved idea B13B14B15B16 B9B10B11B12 B5B6B7B8 B1B2B3B4 v v Let j be the column where B i is. In every “row” the user asks for the jth element So, instead of sending v queries the user can send one! Observe: in this way the user learns all the elements in the jth column! BiBi j↓j↓ execute v (v,1) - PIRs in parallel Looks even worse: communication: user → database: v 2 · |Z* n | database → user: v · |Z* n | The method
Putting things together B1B1...B j-1 BjBj B j+1...BvBv BiBi B vv i QR X 1... QR X j-1 NQR X j QR X j+1... QR X v X1X1...X j-1 XjXj X j+1...XvXv X1X1 X j-1 XjXj X j+1...XvXv Y1Y1 Y j-1 YjYj Y j+1...YvYv Y vv M1M1... MvMv multiply elements in each row kth row M1M1 MkMk MvMv B j =0 iff M k is QR for every j = 1,...,v set Y j = X j 2 if B j = 0 X j otherwise { jth column here the same row is copied v times: only this counts
So we are done! PIR from the previous slide: correctness √ non-triviality: communication complexity = 2√|B| · |Z n | √ security? The to learn i the database would need to distinguish NQR from QR. Formally: from any adversary that breaks our scheme we can construct an algorithm that breaks QRA simulates:
Improvements user U database D (X 1,…,X v ) (M 1,…,M v ) the user is interested just in one M i. Idea: apply PIR recursively!
Complexity of PIRs – overview of the results Communication: “recursive” PIR of [KO97]: for every c: O(|B| c ) [Cachin, Micali, Stadler, 1999]: poly-logarithmic in |B| [Lipmaa, 2005]: O(log 2 |B|) For practical analysis see: [Sion, Carbunar] On the Computational Practicality of Private Information Retrieval. their conclusion: It is the time-complexity that matters. In real-life: it is still more practical to transmit the entire database.
Extensions Symmetric PIR (also protect privacy of the database). [Gertner, Ishai, Kushilevitz, Malkin. 1998] Searching by key-words [Chor, Gilboa, Naor, 1997] Public-key encryption with key-word search [Boneh, Di Crescenzo, Ostrovsky, Persiano]
Open problems: Improve efficiency. Construct new extensions. What was the key property that we used? homomorphism of QR Holy grail: fully-homomorphic encryption
Fully-homomorphic encryption Observe that we constructed a 1-bit probabilistic public-key encryption scheme: Enc(X) = random QRif X = 0 random NQRif X = 1 { Which has the following homomorphic with respect to xor: Enc(X xor Y) = Enc(X) Enc(Y) It would be really useful to have an encryption scheme homomorphic with respect to: conjunction and negation simultaneously.