Pet overpopulation & cruelty prevention Learn about pet safety, overpopulation and cruelty
Pets are wonderful friends. But we sometimes harm them without knowing it.
Pet overpopulation Pet Overpopulation means that there is too many dogs and not enough homes for them all.
Preventing pet overpopulation To help prevent pet over population, you should have you're pet spayed or neutered. And when getting a pet get it from a shelter. So that other animals will not be bred.
Animal cruelty Animal cruelty is when a person hurts an animal. Like when a person assaults an animal. Or does not provide all an animal necessities, like not giving an animal food, water and proper health care. For example when a pet gets sick and the owner does not take it to the vet.
Animal cruelty prevention To help prevent animal cruelty, always take you're pet to the vet and always provide you’re pet with food, water and shelter. And you will have a happy pet.
Pet safety Pet safety is important to know when approaching a strange dog. To make sure you do not get bitten, if there is one ask the owner of the pet if you can pet it. If there is no owner STAY AWAY. And remember ANY DOG CAN BITE no how cute it is. Even he could give you a nasty bite
Adopting a pet When you are adopting a pet never get it from a pet store like Pets Unlimited. Remember what you see is not what is happening. And the pet stores will not admit it. Get you’re pet from places like: the SPCA and Rescue
Proper Leashes & collars We all know that dogs need leashes and collars, But sometimes we don’t use the proper collars on our dogs like we use choke, pinch and electric shock collars. These types of collars can hurt you’re dog, for a proper discipline collar use a citronella collar, but it is better to use a harness because it cannot hurt you’re pet
CREDITS Slide show created by Nich Dow Slide 2 photo by Slide 3 photo by Slide 4 photo by Slide 5 photo by
Slide 6 photo by Slide 7 photo by Slide 8 photo by Slide 9 photo by Special Thanks to Google image search for providing the photos. SEE YOU NEXT TIME !