Eslr example You probably shouldn’t do it like this because it is not a very good example and therefore your grade will not be that great.
PARTS OF THE ESLR RESEARCH “Notecards” “Notecards” EasyBIB EasyBIB Paraphrase info or put in NOTES Paraphrase info or put in NOTES 3 Sources 3 Sources Sub Topics Sub Topics What is it? What is it? Causes Causes Symptoms Symptoms Treatments Treatments Living with Living with Statistics Statistics Slides slides 5X5X1 rule Question Slide 5 quiz type questions Based on info given Any format PRESENTATION 5-8 minutes long NOT reading info PARTICIPATION Do your share!! 50% of overall grade
DIVISION OF DUTIES Per Subtopic Per Subtopic What is it? What is it? Causes Causes Symptoms Symptoms Treatments Treatments Living with Living with Statistics Statistics Per Project Requirements Research Notecards 1 person completes all the research for project Power Point Slides 1 person takes the research & creates slides for presenter Presentation 1-2 people take all the information from above & DISCUSSES information in front of the class.
Do not make slides narrative Meaning if you are writing sentences then your audience won’t listen to you but they will be annoyed at alllllllllllll the information you have written onto the slides and then they will ignore you just like you guys like to ignore me. Meaning if you are writing sentences then your audience won’t listen to you but they will be annoyed at alllllllllllll the information you have written onto the slides and then they will ignore you just like you guys like to ignore me.
5 x 5 x 1 On 1 slide On 1 slide Try to only have 5 lines Try to only have 5 lines With only 5 words per line With only 5 words per line KEEP IT SIMPLE BABY!! KEEP IT SIMPLE BABY!! Main Idea Main Idea
Be careful of layout Simple backgrounds Simple backgrounds Bold colors that stand out Bold colors that stand out Font size & style & cOLOR Font size & style & cOLOR Nothing too flashy Nothing too flashy Too many diagrams Too many diagrams Effects can distract Effects can distract
Diagrams & Pictures Information can be lost Information can be lost Careful to not have too many pictures Careful to not have too many pictures Cite your source Cite your source
Charts are Helpful Great to organize information Keeps slides neat Fun to make!!
Presentation slides should have: Good information Good information Are easy to read Are easy to read Pictures or diagrams Pictures or diagrams Charts or graphics Charts or graphics Simple & bold font Simple & bold font MAIN IDEA MAIN IDEA Details will be spoken Slides have take home message Presenter should practice X3 Do NOT READ info Smile & Have Fun