Slide into learning with fun slides. Slide. English IV 2.11 Grendel
2.11 Objectives Analyze a text for author’s purpose Intro to Grendel Read and discuss for analysis Due: Grendel ch. 1 questions (tracker: GRENDEL 1) Upcoming: Beowulf test tomorrow . . . Outlines for speeches due 2.21
“The Dream of the Rood” Read the poem. Answer the questions as you go through the poem. We will discuss in 10 minutes. Be sure you’re writing your responses on the poem and annotating with purpose.
Grendel intro Read this letter Gardner wrote in response to some essays some children wrote him at some point. Answer the questions. Then we’ll discuss. You have 20 minutes.
Grendel groups Chapter 1: Aries, the Ram. 1. What does Grendel's relationship with nature -- the ram, the sky, grass, the doe, the baby bird, owls, and wolves -- reveal about his own personality? 2. Quote the various phrases Grendel uses to describe himself. What do they reveal about his self-image and how it was developed? 3. What is the significance of the scene wherein Grendel challenges the "dark chasms"? 4. What does Grendel mean when he speaks of "playing cat and mouse with the universe"? What does it mean to "see all life without observing it"? 5. Describe Grendel's mother and his relationship with her. 6. From Grendel's point of view, what is man?
CLOSE and HW Read through ch. 3. Create five higher level questions. Create five MC lower level questions. Close: Read through this critical response to “Rood.” Create a constructed response.