Magic Moment s! Turn traditional literacy into memories that last! You can find
Magic Moment #1 Rhythm reading that leads to a classical piece. You can find
Please tap and say the syllables for the rhythm below. 4$ qsdqQ\qsdqq qQqq\qsdqQ
Please tap and say the syllables for the rhythm below. 4$ qsdqQ\qsdqq qsdqq\qsdqQ
4$ qsdqq\qsdqq qsdqq\qsdqQ Magic Moment: Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92 Mvmt. II. Allegretto.
Lois Choksy Students returned after many years. Did not mention specific things learned. Shared memories they made together! You can find
Choksy’s Thoughts (2003) Vehicle: Concepts, elements, skills, exploration, Destination: MUSIC! You can find
Five Magic Moments You can find
1.Rhythm reading that leads to a classical piece. 2.Melodic reading and writing that leads to a movement activity. 3.Teacher Performance of Music 4.Rhythm composition & part-work that leads to a performance. 5.Melodic improvisation that leads to popular music listening.
Magic Moment #2 Melodic reading and writing that leads to a movement activity. You can find
Please read the solfege in the below stick notation ds, Bank l,s, d You can find s, l,
Fire On the Mountain
Magic Moment #3 Rhythm composition & part-work that leads to a performance. You can find
44$ xxxcsdsdsd xxxcsdsdsd sdsdsdq| What song matches the rhythm you see here?
q Q sd xxx c
Fed My Horse Sharp, C. (1960). English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians.
Magic Moment #4 Teacher performance of a music selection. You can find
Engine, Engine Engine, Engine, Number Nine Going down Chicago line. If the train falls off the track, Do you want your money back? Yes, no, maybe so, Toot! Toot!
Hush-A-Bye Erdei, P. (1985) 150 American Folk Songs Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry, go to sleepy little baby. When you wake, you shall have, all the pretty little horses. Blacks and bays, dapples and greys, six a pretty little horses. Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry, go to sleepy little baby.
Magic Moment #4 Melodic improvisation that leads to popular music listening. You can find
Solfege pitch reading s ---- m -----m r m ---- s l ---- s
m ---- r r m ---- s l ---- s s ---- m #4 - Improvise s ---- m r d----- #1 l s r (2X) #2#2 #2#2 Break Rest #3#3 #3#3
Embrace the Magic! “Good teaching is 49% science, 49% art, and 2% magic.” -Lois Choksy