What is a text structure? A way for the author to organize the text so the reader understands the message.
What is a text structure? Builders can use different kinds of structures to build different things A skyscraper, for example, is a different kind of structure from a house
What is a text structure? Writers use different structures to build their ideas Each text structure communicates ideas in a different way
Examples Non – Fiction Fiction Cause and Effect Story Elements: Sequence Problem/Solution Description Compare and Contrast Fiction Story Elements: Character Setting Conflict/Resolution Plot
Why do we need to learn about Text Structures? Because nonfiction texts are not built like narrative texts (no rising action, plot, etc.) T-Chart Venn Diagram
Text Structure How text is organized. ALL stories are chronological. Nonfiction has lots of text structures. Each paragraph may be different. We’ll learn 5 types.
What are the 5 Kinds of Text Structures? Chronological Sequence Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Problem and Solution
What are the 5 Kinds of Text Structures? Sequence (Chronological and Order of Importance) Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Problem and Solution Descriptive
Chronological order Authors use chronological order to explain how things happen in order Chronological order is also called sequence or time order
Chronological order You will know that you are reading a text in chronological order because you will see words like first, next, later, then, and finally
Chronological Example In order of time Chrono = time Stories are told chronologically Moved Away Met Girl Fell in Love Born in 1882 Married in 1906 Died in 1948
Sequence / Order of Importance Steps described in the order they occur. Get bread Tighten Laces Open jars Tie Loops Together Spread peanut butter Make Two Loops Spread jelly Combine slices Put on Shoe Enjoy. Does not take place at any specific point in time.
What is Sequence? Text Structure Description Signal Words Sequence Describes events in the order that they happened or tells the steps of how to do something first before second since later now next previously then finally dates after when 14
Sequential Order Texts that follow this structure tell the order in which steps in a process or series of events occur. Questions to Consider What happened? What is the sequence of events? What are the sub-stages? Graphic Organizers Flow Map Multi-flow Map Timeline
Sequential Order Signal Words after afterward as soon as before during finally first following immediately initally later meanwhile next not long after now on (date) preceding second soon then third today until when 11-1-12 – first block stopped
Appendix 3 Sequence Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 17
Another text structure Sometimes, a writer will want to explain how one event leads to another This kind of text structure is called cause and effect
What is Cause and Effect? Text Structure Description Signal Words Cause and Effect The causes of an event and its resulting effect(s) are presented. if/then as a result therefore consequently since because hence thus this led to 19
Explains reasons why something happened. Cause and Effect Explains reasons why something happened. Or explains the effects of something. Text is not telling the story of a dog. Many Karate Schools Opened. Not feeding it. The effect of not feeding the dog – the dog ran away The cause of the schools, nun chuck increase and hospital cases is cause by the Karate movies. Lots of Karate Movies in 60’s Nun chuck sales Increased 400% Not petting it. Why Dog Ran Away Hospital cases went up. Not loving it.
What are some signal words for Cause and Effect? on account of as a result due to consequently since because thus this led to
More with cause and effect Baby painted turtles spend all winter in their nests. They have special chemicals in their blood that can keep their blood from freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles can survive freezing temperatures!
More with cause and effect Baby painted turtles spend all winter in their nests. They have special chemicals in their blood that can keep their blood from freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles can survive freezing temperatures! This is the cause
More with cause and effect Baby painted turtles spend all winter in their nests. They have special chemicals in their blood that can keep their blood from freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles can survive freezing temperatures! This is the effect
Appendix 5 Cause and Effect 25
Review Which text structure tells about how things are similar and different? Compare and contrast Which text structure explains how things happen in time order? Chronological order
Problem and Solution Basically & Effect Author states a problem and solution(s). Similar to cause and effect. Eagles were endangered. Make laws to protect them. Missing Books Basically & Effect With an Opinion. And an answer. Putting in the Closet Getting Lockers
Another kind of text structure Sometimes, an author will want to explain a problem, and then show one or more solutions This kind of text structure is called problem and solution
What is Problem and Solution? Text Structure Description Signal Words Problem and Solution A problem and one or more solutions to the problem are presented. problem is solution is if/then to solve the problem… 29
An example of problem and solution Park School had a terrible problem. Every day at recess, students would argue over the slides. Teachers had to spend time every day taking care of the arguments. Finally, one teacher came up with a great solution. They bought another set of slides that everyone could enjoy. Can you find the problem and the solution in this paragraph?
An example of problem and solution Park School had a terrible problem. Every day at recess, students would argue over the slides. Teachers had to spend time every day taking care of the arguments. Finally, one teacher came up with a great solution. They bought another set of slides that everyone could enjoy. Here is the problem
An example of problem and solution Park School had a terrible problem. Every day at recess, students would argue over the slides. Teachers had to spend time every day taking care of the arguments. Finally, one teacher came up with a great solution. They bought another set of slides that everyone could enjoy. Here is the problem Here is the solution
Appendix 4 Problem and Solution 33
Another text structure Suppose an author wanted to explain how these two birds are similar and different Chronological order wouldn’t work---there is no order of events The author would need to use compare and contrast
What is Compare and Contrast? Text Structure Description Signal Words Compare and Contrast Two or more events, objects or places that are being compared and shown how they are alike and/or different but however nevertheless similarly in contrast different from the same like unlike 35
Shows what’s in common and what’s different. Compare and Contrast Compare = find similarities Contrast = find differences Shows what’s in common and what’s different. Apples & Oranges Fruits Have Seeds Healthy Colors Tastes Locations
What are some signal words for Compare and Contrast? Both but however nevertheless on the other hand in contrast different from the same like unlike
Compare and contrast graphic organizer To organize details from a paragraph in compare and contrast, use a Venn diagram
Appendix 1 Comparison Differences Differences Similarities 39
What is Description? Text Structure Description Signal Words A topic is described by listing characteristics, features, attributes, and examples. for example for instance such as is like in addition also including in particular 40
Description paragraphs In this kind of paragraph, the author offers a main idea statement, and then supports that statement with several details
Descriptive paragraphs The pond was a beautiful place to visit. The falling leaves, all different colors, decorated the surface of the water. At the edges of the pond, small wildflowers grew. The golden forest glowed faintly in the distance.
Description paragraphs Main idea The pond was a beautiful place to visit. The falling leaves, all different colors, decorated the surface of the water. At the edges of the pond, small wildflowers grew. The golden forest glowed faintly in the distance.
Description paragraphs Main idea The pond was a beautiful place to visit. The falling leaves, all different colors, decorated the surface of the water. At the edges of the pond, small wildflowers grew. The golden forest glowed faintly in the distance. All of the other sentences explain why the main idea is true
Appendix 2 Description 45
Resources Emily Kissner