Employ the Ace! Katarzyna Matynia SYNAPSIS Foundation, Poland Paving the way to employment of people with an ASD
People with ASD approx people with ASD live in Poland only around 1-2% are employed Background
The Model of Social and Vocational Activation Programme for People with Asperger Syndrome and High-functioning Autism Developed as a result of our cooperation with two international partners: National Autistic Society – Prospects from the UK and Specialist People Foundation from Denmark Tested and adapted to local circumstances during the project financed by European Union in The first and the only such solution for adults with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism (HFA) in Poland so far
Who is the Ace? The main idea of the Model is to focus on abilities and advantages of people with an ASD which can be attractive for potential employers such as: attention to details accuracy motivation to work honesty ability to perform repetitive and routine tasks
Testing the Model 14 participants – people with Asperger syndrome (13) or high-functioning autism (1) 10 men and 4 women Most of them years old 13 with at least secondary education 9 months of training (October June 2012)
Lawyer support group training individual sessions Internships in private enterprices, public offices and NGO assistant support Office skills training using office equipment writing formal letters working with documents Social skills training Social skills training group traninig individual sessions Types of support for people with ASD included in the Model Employment Advisor support group training individual sessions IT training MS Office Windows XP/7 html
Successes of the project
Projekt Implementacja skutecznych europejskich systemów funkcjonowania ekonomii społecznej w zakresie wprowadzania osób z autyzmem na polski rynek pracy współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
Employment for people with Asperger syndrome - 7 out of 14 people found employment after the project, 5 of them are employed on the open labour market Development and usage of their hidden potential Growing self-confidence of people with ASD Development of their social skills Increase of their vocational skills and motivation to work Employers willing to join the programme and adapt workplaces Why it is worth to use the Model?
Thank you for your attention! Katarzyna Matynia SYNAPSIS Foundation, Warsaw, Poland More information: