The beginning of Chapter 28 deals with Halloween. The town is mad at some kids who went into these old ladies’ house and moved all of their furniture to their basement. It was a harmless prank, and the kids could get away with it because the ladies were hard of hearing. The town got mad and cancelled trick-or-treating and said they would have a pageant instead. The lady who wrote the pageant wanted kids to dress up as the “agricultural products” of their area, so Scout had to dress up in a ham costume. This costume is one of the most famous icons (images) from this novel. To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapters 28-31
Harper Lee was in her early 30s when her book was published. This is a note she sent to a book club that had chosen her novel to study.
Scout’s costume in Chapter 28.
The following pictures are items that can be purchased on the Internet. (Ham costume carving for a desk…)
Scout paper doll, complete with a ham costume outfit.
A pink t-shirt complete with the ham costume and collard patch. This is wild! I want one!
Atticus Finch for President!
REMEMBER THIS WHEN WRITING YOUR ESSAY: “My book has a universal theme,” she told the Birmingham PostHerald in “It’s not a ‘racial’ novel. It portrays an aspect of civilization, not necessarily Southern civilization.”
She is known as Miss Nelle around town. She used her middle name for her pen name so that people wouldn’t pronounce the name, Nelle Lee, as “Nellie”. Her full, given name is Nelle Harper Lee.
Chapters End of book: Read silently to yourself, doing the assignment one chapter at a time. 1. While reading, write a list of 3-5 important happenings/details of the chapter. 2. Write one “line” that you loved. Ch Assignments are due at the end of class on __________ Start planning your essay for the book when finished.
CHAPTER 28: or more “Line” I loved: Example: “Jem was becoming about as good as Atticus at making you feel right when things went wrong” (Lee 259). NOTE: Do this same assignment for CHAPTERS 29,30, and 31.
Read chapters 28, 29, 30, and 31