1 Forces Yury Ivanyushenkov RAL
2 Goal: find maximal (static and dynamical) possible forces in MICE magnetic system. Method: calculation of axial magnetic forces in MICE by using OPERA package (and other codes). Cases to be analyzed: - MICE stages III, IV, V and VI (see next slide): Parameters (proposal): magnetic modes - flip, semi-flip and non-flip; momentum (MeV/c) – 140, 170, 200, 240; beta (cm) – 7, 15, 25, 42; coil currents - 0 (coil is off or quenched), nominal, max (critical current ?); magnetic shielding – with and without. - Abnormal cases: - dynamical forces during quenches; - anything else? Aims of work
3 - STEP I: spring 2006 STEP II: summer 2006 STEP III: winter 2007 STEP IV: spring 2007 STEP V: fall 2007 STEP VI: 2008 MICE Stages by Alain Blondel
4 - STEP I STEP II STEP II.V Insert absorber (solid) between the two halves and measure Pt & E distribution and emittance growth STEP II.VI Split tracker in two parts and measure against each other (systematics) Establish beam match andwether we have all knobsnecessary to drawEmittance vs transmissioncurve. Measure emittance These are mostly questions for beam design and matching to and within solenoid. MICE Additional Stages by Alain
5 STEP V STEP V.0 Shorter, less expensive, no coupling coil, (very limited optics flexibility) does this work in flip, RFoFo, non flip modes? These are mostly optics questions MICE Additional Stages by Alain
6 Beam Coupling Focus #3 Match #1 Centre Match #2 End #2 Coil Terminology End #1 Focus #2 Focus #1
7 Model in OPERA Model: -18 coils; - no magnetic materials
8 Coil Geometry for Stage 6 From MICE TRD
9 Coil Currents for Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6 From MICE TRD
10 Coil Currents for Non-Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6 From MICE TRD
11 Forces on Coils for Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6
12 Forces on Coils for Non-Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6
13 Forces on Modules for Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6 Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5 Average p (MeV/c) Absorber beta (cm) Force on the module (MN): Central focus pair module00000 Coupling coil module from centre from centre from centre from centre from centre Edge focus pair module from centre from centre from centre from centre from centre Tracker solenoid module towards centre towards centre towards centre towards centre towards centre
14 Forces on Modules for Non-Flip Mode Cases in Stage 6 Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5 Average p (MeV/c) Absorber beta (cm) Force on the module (MN): Central focus pair module00000 Coupling coil module towards centre towards centre towards centre towards centre towards centre Edge focus pair module towards centre towards centre from centre from centre from centre Tracker solenoid module towards centre towards centre towards centre towards centre towards centre
15 Maximal Forces on Modules in Stage 6 ModuleMax force, MN Case Central focus pair module0All Coupling coil module from centre; towards centre Flip mode, Case 2 Non-Flip mode, Case 2 Edge focus pair module from centre; towards centre Flip mode, case 3 Non-Flip mode, Case 2 Tracker solenoid module towards centre Non-Flip mode, Case 2
16 Quenches in Stage 6, Flip mode, Case 2 Module quenched Force on module, MNFocus pairCoupling coilTracker solenoid Central focus pair module 0.0 Coupling coil module from centre from centre Edge focus pair module from centre towards centre Tracker solenoid module from centre towards centre 0.0 Note that forces are sometime higher than in the normal mode !
17 Forces in Stage 3 Coil geometry and currents are taken from the talk OPTICS OF STAGE III by Ulisse Bravar at MICE Video conference on October the 6 th.
18 Forces on Tracker Modules for Flip Mode Cases in Stage 3 Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4 Average p (MeV/c) Force on module, MN Tracker solenoid module from centre from centre from centre from centre
19 Forces on Tracker Modules for Non-Flip Mode Cases in Stage 3 Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4 Average p (MeV/c) Force on module (MN) Tracker solenoid module towards centre towards centre towards centre towards centre
20 Conclusions Conclusions: it seems there is no a single worst case for all the modules
21 Proposal for the next steps: make similar analysis for Stage 3 and other stages (when geometry and currents are defined ); include abnormal cases into analysis; identify the worst case for each module; check worst cases with OPERA including shielding in the model; anything else ? Next steps