Force and Motion Review
Forces Chapter 5 section 2 Vocabulary: Force, Inertia, Mass How does Newton’t 1 st Law of motion explain why you need to wear a seat belt? Explain what happens when forces on a car are balanced. What if the car is moving? Explain what happens when forces on moving car are unbalanced.
Friction Chapter 5 section 3 Vocabulary; Friction How does friction work? What kind of force is it? What causes friction to increase or decrease? How does friction affect the marble on your roller coaster? How does friction affect a poster taped to a wall? How does friction affect you when you are riding a bicycle?
Gravity Chapter 5 Section 4 Vocabulary: Gravity What kind of force is Gravity? How does it work? How did gravity affect the marble on your roller coaster? What are two factors that affect gravity? How does gravity affect a poster taped to the wall? How does gravity affect you when you ride a bicycle?
Mass vs. Weight Vocabulary; Mass, Weight What does mass measure? What does Weight measure? If I go to outer space, what changes; Mass or Weight? Why? If I change my mass, what happens to my weight? Why? Why is understanding the difference between mass and weight challenging?