Cluster-Aware Updating and the New Generation of WSUS Orin WSV332
demo Deploy WSUS 4.0 to Server Core
1+ Million 60+ Million Double
demo Name Title Group WSUS PowerShell
demo Name Title Group Migrate WSUS 3.2 to WSUS 4.0
Updating Run kick-off Node n Resuming & Failback Node 1 Windows Server failover cluster... Windows Update or WSUS Draining the node CAU Apply updates on this cluster
Cluster-Aware Updating GUI Cluster-Aware Updating Windows PowerShell cmdlets Cross-workflow coordination business logic Cluster workflows Exception workflows. Node workflows Failover Cluster Run options
Windows Update Agent (WUA) Windows Update/Microsoft Update (WU/MU) Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Windows Installer Component based Servicing APIs/CLIs…. Good News: None of these is changing with CAU! CAU is about update orchestration across the cluster
**GDR = General Distribution Release **QFE = Quick Fix Engineering (nickname for hotfix)
demo Name Title Group Install Cluster & Cluster Aware Updating
Node 2 Node 1 Node 4Node 3 CAU Update Coordinator Failover Cluster
CAU Update Coordinator Node 2 Node 1 Node 4Node 3 Failover Cluster
Multi-cluster “Patch Tuesday” workflows E2E data center provisioning workflows Service Desk and other ITIL automation workflows Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) PS cmdlets Cmdlet Name What it does Add-CauClusterRole Adds the the self-updating functionality to a cluster (supports prestaging) Invoke-CauRun Set-CauClusterRole - UpdateNow Installs the applicable updates on each cluster node (remote-updating only) Installation (self-updating only) Get-CauReport Retrieve the report for one or more updating runs Export-CauReport Export the report in html or csv formats, for one or more Updating Runs Check out the PS cmdlet help reference for all other CAU cmdlets.
Windows Server 2012 computer “Update Coordinator” Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) core Cluster Node WUA Clustering SMB CA File Server CAU WMIv2 Provider Cluster Node WUA Clustering SMB CA File Server CAU WMIv2 Provider Cluster Node WUA Clustering Clustered Role CAU WMIv2 Provider Windows Server 2012 Failover Cluster Custom 3rd Party tool Windows Update Plug-in Custom 3 rd Party Plug-in Custom 3 rd Party Plug-in Hotfix Plug- in CAU Plug-in API
demo Cluster Updating Demo