European Imperialism
The Opium War (1839) Qing Dynasty in decline British force open trade w/ China OPIUM only product Britain had that China wanted –used as currency –widespread addiction –gov’t attempts to stop –blew up a British ship loaded w/ opium British quickly defeat China
Treaty of Nanjing (August 1842) Unequal treaties Emperor paid for destroyed opium Spheres of Influence US Open Door Policy HONG KONG –until 1997
Hong Kong 1842: British received in the Treaty of Nanjing Returned Hong Kong back in 1997 according to the treaty “one country, two systems”
Unrest & Revolution Taiping Rebellion – –40-60 million killed Ci Xi (Empress Dowager) –power behind the throne BOXER REBELLION – m?guidAssetID=F8DAF CFF-A8EE- 127C3E841BA5&tabStart=videoSegmentshttp:// m?guidAssetID=F8DAF CFF-A8EE- 127C3E841BA5&tabStart=videoSegments Led to the rise of COMMUNISM in China
The Nationalist Party Kuomingdang (KMT) Founder: Dr. Sun Yatsen Successor: Chang Kai-Shek Support from: Bourgeoise –the rich –land owners –higher educated Goals: 3 Principles o/t Ppl –Democracy Capitalism –Nationalism –Livelihood Fled to TAIWAN
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 1949 People’s Republic of China 1st Leader: Mao Zedong – Support from: Proletariat –peasants / poor –The Long MarchThe Long March Goals: totalitarianism –economic/social equality –classless system –religion is outlawed –no private property Successor: Deng Xiaoping
KARL MARX Wrote: “The Communist Manifesto” Predicted: –“The Proletariat would rise up against the ruling class” (bourgeoise)
MAO ZEDONG Born under FEUDALISM Mao’s New Order Totalitarianism –CCP has total control Support from peasants thru propaganda Immediate influences: –order is restored –ended foreign influence –become self-sufficient
The Great Leap Forward The Great Leap Forward ( ) Mao’s call for a superhuman effort to modernize in one great leap forward Collective Farms: gov’t forced ppl to pool all their resources together Communes: 20,000 people to a commune –hope for huge increase in agricultural output HUGE FAILURE –upwards of 40 million starved to death 1957: Hundred Flowers Campaign: "Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend". Propaganda poster
The Cultural RevolutionThe Cultural Revolution (1966) To renew the communist revolutionary spirit –due to failure o/t Great Leap Forward root out “capitalist roaders” Red Guards –students & young factory workers –attacked non-Mao supporters Effects: schools closed –factories slowed production –Red Guards were sent to faraway rural areas –Ppl lost faith in Mao
Four Modernizations 1972: Nixon visits China 1976: Mao dies 1978: Deng XiaopingDeng Xiaoping Four Modernizations: –Modernizing agriculture –Expanding industry –Developing science & tech –Upgrading the military “responsibility system” Special Economic Zones (SEZ) “Made in China”
Beijing The Forbidden City
Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 What type of protest? What caused? Why did the Chinese gov’t 5000 people? What is the significance of the Tank Man?Tank Man